Accepting You

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A shriek of fear and surprise left Seokjin as he jumped away from his spot, startled. Looking at the figure in front of him with wide trembling eyes as though he was seeing a ghost and maybe he was.

"W-what's happeni-" He gulped down, feeling his throat go dry as the words caught in his throat.

"Dear." The woman chuckled softly at Seokjin's reaction. "Why were you so sad today?" She approached the boy again only for Seokjin to rush backwards again in confusion bumping into the nightstand where he recently placed a small picture frame of his family to remember them.

The idol flinched at the sound of the glass breaking when the frame fell to the floor along with his glasses, both of which he carelessly placed at the edge after using them.

It was only a second that his gaze left the woman but now she was right in front of him, looking at him worriedly. "Are you hurt? Let's not touch the glass." She placed her hand on his arm, trying to lead him to another spot but Seokjin pushed her away instead. Feeling scared by the fact that he could actually feel her weight well enough to push her. He looked back at the woman instantly, searching her for any kind of clue that this a dream.

"W-what are you..." Seokjin clenched his trembling hand, his voice shaking and his vision going blurry with clouds made of a salty liquid. A spot in his heart hurting as he looked at the woman he loved and missed so badly. His mother whom he wanted to always keep close.

"What's wrong...are you hurt?"

That voice and soft caring tone. That lovely smile and eyes that held the whole world.

Seokjin closed his eyes shut, letting a tear fall down. His heart longed for her soft embrace, telling him to just go to her and take her in his arms even though he couldn't understand what was happening. "Mom...I missed you..." He cried, falling down to his knees with his head hanged down and his hands rubbing his eyes.

"My...dear why are you crying...?"

"I...I don't know anymore...What's time you're alive and one time you're de-"

"Hyung?" A soft and warm hand was on Seokjin's back.

Seokjin looked up at the man in front of him, his eyes narrowing as he tried to focus his eyes on Taehyung's face before his gaze instantly went to the spot behind him where his mother was a second ago.

"Mom?" His voice shook as his eyes widened ever so slightly. Furrowing his eyebrows in confusion of the situation.

"Hyung...It's me Taehyungie, taetae" Taehyung leaned his head to the side to be in Seokjin's view instead of where the oldest was looking.

"Tae..." Seokjin's eyes danced around the room, searching before they finally landed on the shards of glass next to him and the picture there.

" see anyone leave my room?" Seokjin asked with a voice no louder than a whisper, dreading the answer he now knew he'd hear.

"I don't think I saw anyone..."

Seokjin let out a breath from his nose, wanting to scream as he became even more confused than before. He was sure he saw his mother, he touched and felt her weight on his hands, she spoke to him a conversation he doesn't remember ever having before. The fear that had left him moments ago came back, making a chill run down his spine.

"What's wrong with me..." He whispered underneath his breath, suddenly feeling cold.

"What's wrong? What happened hyung?" Taehyung asked softly, his voice as caring as his mother's.

Seokjin looked at Taehyung's eyes. Touching his cheek and feeling the younger's warmth spread through his hand.

"You're real...right?"

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