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The next morning, everyone had woken up on time to eat breakfast and get to practice. Seokjin always used to wake up by himself if he was even sleeping and he would get ready without much trouble even If he didn't have spirits for practice.

After everyone had gotten ready, Sejin asked Taehyung who seemed the closest to Seokjin these days to call him down from his room since he was running a bit late. However, Taehyung didn't expect Seokjin to still be sleeping. The eldest was always a light sleeper so by just calling out his name and without even turning on the light, he'd wake up and get ready.

"Seokjin-hyung. It's time to wake up." Taehyung walked into the room. The closer he was to the figure on the bed, the stronger the smell was and Taehyung didn't need to look at the empty bottles of wine to know that Seokjin drank himself to sleep. It was quite a surprise that Seokjin even went back to drinking after so long and he wondered why now? Was he in the mood for a drink or was he trying to forget something for a while? Taehyung had no clue.

The second maknae looked over at his hyung when he was standing by his bed and told him to wake up again but Seokjin did not move an inch so Taehyung resorted to poking his cheek. However, he only touched him softly as he once again realized how Seokjin was not taking care of himself as much as before and how he was still only beginning to go towards the path of recovery. He looked at him with eyes that conveyed sadness for how his hyung was. Taehyung wondered when was the last time he had seen Seokjin laugh or at least smile genuinely without hiding other feelings behind that smile.

Taking out his phone, Taehyung sighed softly as he rang Sejin's number. He told him of how Seokjin had drank a bit but that he was fine and that Taehyung would drive his hyung to the company in a few minutes so Sejin and the others didn't need to wait for them.

Looking back at Seokjin, Taehyung found himself laying down next to him and letting out another sigh. He stared at the ceiling for a few seconds with an empty head before stretching his body and putting his arms and legs around Seokjin like a small panda. The smell of alcohol was hitting his nose strongly, making him scrunch his nose but he did not let go of his hyung.

"Hyung! Come one wake up! We're going to be late! You need to wash up really fast and we'll grab some breakfast on the way so come on. Wake up" With these words and a little bit of shaking, Seokjin was groaning and fluttering his eyes open. He thought he was dreaming for a second because why would Taehyung be koala hugging him like this so early in the morning.

"Tae-ah...What?" Seokjin asked, he did not hear what Taehyung had said a few seconds ago.

"We'll be late hyung. Everyone left already. You need to get up." Taehyung let go of his hyung and backed away a little before standing up as Seokjin rubbed the sleep from his eyes. The second maknae was not a big fan of alcohol or the smell it came with so he couldn't help but leave the bed even though he would've loved to stay in that position for a bit longer and make his hyung feel a little more loved.

"Sorry...I..." Seokjin had no clue that alcohol could really knock him out better than the pills he was taking. He wished it didn't come with a headache though.

"It's fine. Just go take a shower real quick so that we can leave. I'll make some light breakfast for you."

Before Seokjin could refuse the idea of breakfast, Taehyung was already out of the room and yelling from the hallway for Seokjin to hurry up and get ready.

Seokjin rubbed the corners of his eyes with gentle fingers. He stood up, a soft sigh leaving him before going to do as Taehyung asked. He was glad that he only had a headache and not a full hangover.

"See? You don't care but you're still rushing because you were asked to hurry up."

Here she was again, speaking like whenever she wanted.

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