A Single Tear

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A simple call was enough for countless tears to drop and for chaos to erupt inside of the minds of five young men who were just starting another normal day outside of work. 

They were all at different places but right after receiving the frightening news, no one hesitated in rushing to where their oldest hyung and Jungkook were. Namjoon and Jimin were instantly booking tickets to return to their mother land and the others were on their way to Seoul where only Taehyung was.

When the second maknae finally arrived at the hospital one hour after the accident had been reported to him, he was met with one staff from BigHit, Seokjin's personal manager and Sejin who was first informed of everything after Bang Si-Hyuk received the news from the hospital.

"Tarhyung.." Sejin's called him softly when the idol's eyes met his own dark ones.

In the deadly silence, everyone had dejected expressions on their faces. Stress was evident through their body language, turning the whole atmosphere around them into an unapproachable, somber one that Taehyung had never been in or felt before, causing more anxiety to run through his veins as he walked towards them, not knowing what kind of more heartbreaking news were awaiting him on this very unfortunate morning.


Hours passed and now Yoongi, Hoseok, and Taehyung were present at the hospital with equal red rimmed eyes. The hot tears were running down their cheeks in continuous streams as they sat next to each other in search of comfort. 

Their expressions could only be read as pain or grief eating them up even though they were trying to control it but the results caused by the burning storm that swallowed Seokjin's home up were gut wrenching and much more than horrifying.

Jungkook's family as well as Seokjin's aunt and uncle arrived at the hospital later, crying and asking questions, making the whole atmosphere even more gloomy and making the place feel even more crowded as they moved here and there, following the doctors and nurses. Luckily, no one other than them was in that corridor in front of the intensive care unit because no one would've cared or dared to move from there for anyone as they waited for dear Seokjin and Jungkook who were fighting between life and death to open their eyes but also dreading the moment it'll happen. They didn't want to see them suffer, not more than they were right now and especially Seokjin. They knew that no kind of touch or words of comfort that'd leave their mouths were going to be what he needed.

The sun which had risen for this very unfortunate day to come was now going to sleep peacefully, darkening part of the earth as though the darkness which engulfed everyone's heart was not enough. Keeping them on edge all the time.

It was until late at night that Sejin was able to convince everyone to go back home to the dorms to get some rest.


Once again, the blinding sun was up and the five young men, including Namjoon and Jimin who arrived at Korea that night for even worse news to reach their ears were now in front of the room Seokjin and Jungkook were in, begging whoever could hear their prayers for their oldest hyung and youngest brother to wake up, to make it all right, to help lessen their pain. 

They were told by the doctor that Seokjin would be moved to a private room the next day when 48 hours had passed to monitor their hyung for any serious signs that could develop. Their visit in the ICU was allowed but not everyone at once and so when the young men who missed Seokjin and Jungkook now more than ever did visit their them in turns, they were even more heartbroken, the sight making their heart ache as they watched their chests ever so slowly rise up and down. The doctor had told them the incubation was done on the ambulance where the two were very barely breathing and unconscious. Carbon monoxide poisoning was very suspected and for Seokjin, it wasn't so severe but he still very much needed oxygen administration even when they remove the tube later tonight and hopefully Seokjin was going to look at least a bit better, not as injured, not as near death as he looked like now in this room where beeps and alarms surrounded him, where more than one machine was hooked up to him, making his friends...his other family even more confused and scared.

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