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Monday arrived and Seokjin was starting a new day that would be different from the rest. He woke up with heavy easy earlier than the rest of his friends after seeing in his sleeping a dream that he couldn't remember but the feeling of uneasiness that came with it lingered.

Seokjin thought he was the only one awake at six in the morning and so, he comfortably went out of his room to drink water to sooth his dry thought and take something for the headache he's been waking up with lately. However, to his surprise, Taehyung was awake and down on the dining table. He was sitting with his forehead kissing the table and his arms around his head.

Seokjin walked with light footsteps, thinking Taehyung was asleep in that position but the younger raised his head upon hearing him come in and looked at Seokjin who pretended he was not looking as he continued to walk. He grabbed a glass and filled it with water, then grabbed the packet of tablets he had gotten used to take.

Not once did Taehyung's eyes leave the board figure of Seokjin who was well aware of the eyes following him.

Seokjin took the medicine with an uneasy feeling building up.

'Am I so interesting these days?' Seokjin asked himself sarcastically as he chugged down the water only to choke on it and start coughing.

Looking back from the corners of his eyes at the younger man as he began to control the cough, Seokjin saw that the boy had not moved from his place and was still simply watching him.

If it was any other member, Seokjin knew they would've come to pat his back. It's what they have been doing so far including Taehyung so even though it annoyed him, Seokjin got used to having everyone come to his aid as soon as they saw him struggle with anything at all but this time Taehyung was just sitting there?

Seokjin felt even more uneasy as he took in a slow breath and drank some water again before his legs moved to leave this place but his name being called made him halt.

Seokjin didn't look back but he stood still, waiting for Taehyung to say whatever he needed to tell him.

"Hyung...could you sit down with me?"

Seokjin was used to Taehyung's deep voice but it was even more deeper with disuse and somehow gentler.

"Go to sleep Tae-ah. We've still got time before practice." The words left Seokjin as smoothly as he used to say them back when the maknaes used to stay up late but this time it wasn't the case. He didn't want to start an unnecessary conversation.

"I... couldn't sleep today." Taehyung spoke, hoping to stop Seokjin from walking away as he started to speak without waiting for him to sit down and surely he had gained Seokjin's attention because the older male stayed silent.

"Not only today... It's also been hard to fall asleep in the past few nights."

Seokjin wondered why Taehyung was talking about this now and why he couldn't sleep but another side of him reminded him that he was going through this too and that his nights were harsher than the ones Taehyung had probably been going through. He did not want to hear about a problem he had.

"Is that so?" The words left his mouth coldly "You can go see a doctor." He said and was about to start walking away if Taehyung was not fast in letting more words leave his mouth to stop him.

"It's because of you hyung."

Seokjin's knitted his eyebrows together at hearing Taehyung's words. What did he mean? Was he blaming him?

"Hyung If I have to be honest, sometimes I wonder if you still consider us a family."

Seokjin turned on his heels to look at Taehyung with eyes that became dull.

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