The first punch. ch 17

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Thorn's P.O.V

It's been about 5 days since the party and with everyday im letting my thoughts get to me. Constantly being told that 'im worthless' that 'i cheeted on Vic' that 'no one loves me anymore'. CONSTANTLY BEING REMINDED HOW MUCH OF A FALIURE I AM BY THE VOICES IN MY HEAD.

Right now its 4:30am and im sitting up in the tree thats in the back garden watching the sun rise slowly until i hear Tony.

"Hey Thorn, why you up so early" he asked from the bottom of the tree

I just looked down at him then back up and shrugged. Hearing shuffling i assumed he was gone and just broke down crying, hugging my knees to my chest. Soon enough i felt a pair of arms around my shoulders. Tony.

"T-tony go away. Please" I say tring to get out his grasp while trying not to fall.

"Im not letting go until you tell me whats wrong" he said looking me dead in the eyes.

"I-i can't Tony, i just can't" i whispered.

"Look, follow me" Tony said while grabbing my hand and helping me out the tree. Tony braught me through the house and into his room.

"T-tony I can't tell you" i sobbed.

"No shh, im not going to make you" he said hugging me and stroking my hair.

Tony's P.O.V

Im not going to push her to tell me because i already know. I saw the whole thing with Kellin and her in the bouncy castle.

"Thorn sweetheart, Vic loves you so much and anything you say can't end his love for you" I said lifting her chin up.

"I-i don't know what you mean" she said looking down at the floor

"Thorn, don't play dumb with me. I fucking saw what he did" i whisper/shouted as i was getting quite pissed off

At this Thorn started backing away from me slowly. "Y-you saw what he did" she backed so far away she was against the wall.

I nodded and strode up to her, looking her dead in the eyes "you. Need. To. Tell. Vic" i said through gritted teeth.

I was angry because i could see what Kellin had done to her and she hasn't done anything to help herself.

"Tony i can't" she whisper/shouted

I don't know what got in to me but i did something i never thought i would do. I raised my hand to a woman.

Thorn's P.O.V

I could see Tony getting angrier by the minute.

"Tony i can't" i whisper/shouted.

And soon enough i felt a sting on my left cheek. Tony had slapped me. I looked at him shocked, he was even more shocked. He looked down at his hand then back at me. I felt tears pricking my eyes.

"Thorn. I sware i didn't mean it. I would never." His face softened "i was mad at you because i could see what Kellin has done to you has effected you badly and your doing nothing to help yourself" he sighed.

I just stared blankly at him " well Antonio i guess i'll see you later then" and with that she left me there in silence.

*time lapse 5 hours*

Vic's P.O.V

I come downstairs to see Thorn sitting in the kitchen as usuall but this time she had a massive bruse on her left cheek.

"Oh my god. Darling what happened" i say rushing up to her.

She looked at me blankly and simply said " we need to talk".

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