Wedding plans. ch 20

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Vic's P.O.V

I woke up to Kellin lying on the floor.

"Why is kell-...oh yeah" i said remembering Thorn was in hospital

I checked my phone and only had one notification. It was from Mike's twitter.

"Oh my god" i shouted as i saw the picture and caption

"What? Who? Vic what's up" kellin woke up by my shout

I shoved my phone in his face and jumped up and down like a child.

"I already know" he chuckled

"Oh...sorry mr buzz kill" i laughed nudging him

"I told you she was going to be okay" he chuckled walking to the bathroom. So i texted Mike.

V-"hey just saw twitter, do you need me to come to the hospital?"

A minute later i got a text back

M-"Nah it's okay were on our way back. Oh and Thorn wants to start planning the wedding asap. Xx"

Im guessing that was from Thorn because Mike never puts "xx's"

V-"sure. I'll start on that"

"Keellin, you know you lovee mee?"i asked as he walked downstairs.

He chuckled "what do you want" he turned around

"Can you help me start planning the wedding?" I asked getting my laptop out and looking up the local churches

"Yes! A million times yes" he squeeled.

I threw a phone book at him

"Go through that, and make invites for everyone" i said looking back at my screen

"Uh.. Vic. C-can i come?" I heard

I turned to Kellin. "Of course Kells, brother" i smiled. And he had tears in his eyes.

Thorn's P.O.V

Sitting in the car on the way home was silent but i liked it. After about 3 minutes my arm started to ache so i took off my hoodie. I saw this massive scar going down my arm.

"W-what is t-this" i asked starting to tear up

"It's a burn scar chica, got it in the fire" my dad said from the front.

I started to cry while Tony hugged me

"I look horrible with this a-and it's my wedding soon" i cried as Tony stroked my head

"You can wear a long sleeved dress" Mike suggested "you will still be beautiful" he finished.

As we pulled into the drive i couldn't be bothered to walk so Tony carried me in.

"Were home" Mike shouted.

Soon enough i saw Vic running up to me giving me the biggest hug.

"Oh my god, darling im so glad you are okay" he sighed as we hugged.

Then i saw Kellin walk through slowly. I hadn't seen him since that day so i ran up to him hugging him.

"Im so glad you are okay Kellin" i cried into his chest. I then looked up at him. He looks down with tears brimming his eyes.

"Why?.." is all he simply asked before Vic called me through to look at a church.

Vic's P.O.V

"So is this one okay?" I asked her pointing to a picture on my screen.

She nodded excitedly "it's perfect" then her smile dropped

"Shit." I heard her gasp

"Whats wrong" Hime asked walking over.

"I need to get a dress but i have no female friends so come with me" he looked at the floor.

"Im sure Mike will go with you chica" Hime said rubbing her shoulder.

"What will Mike do?" Said Mike walking through the door

"Go with Thorn, to get her dress" Tony explained

"Of course i will sweetheart. There is no way you could do it without me" he said while making a steriotypical camp hand gesture.

"So. It's settled then..Kellin are the invites done" i asked

He walked in and nodded sheepishly "yeah all done" he said as if he was trying to be cautious around Mike, who to be honest was giving him the biggest death glare.

Thorn's P.O.V * 2 hours later*

While everyone was in bed i was sat downstairs staring at this one invite. Not knowing whether to send it or not..

After about 20 minutes of pure thought i got up and walked down the street to the nearest post box.

"I hope you can come....mum" i said as i posted it and walked away.

A/N- The picture is Thorn's engagement ring. And sorry about it being short, writers block i guess.

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