Darling You'll be okay. ch 11

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Thorn's P.O.V

We only have about 2 more weeks left of tour and im not as bad as i thought i would be, ive been eating at least but Mike hasn't even looked at me since what happened about a week ago.

"Hey darling" said Vic snapping me out of my thoughts

"Hi Vic" i smiled

I then saw mike walk in with my dad smiling and looking at me my dad was smiling too and before i knew i was getting hugged Mike.

"Aw Mike i love you too" i laughed which earned a light punch on the arm from Vic.

Hime's P.O.V

All i had done was talk to Mike and apologise for over reacting he took it so well he started putting the blame on himself when it wasn't his fault.

"Mike?" I whispered to him

"Yeah" he whispered back

"go give Thorn a hug, she misses you" i smiled and he smiled even wider.

I followed him to the 'living room' of the bus and there she was talking to Vic. Mike looked at me, and i just nodded. Thorn noticed we were there and Mike gave her the tightest hug ever.

"Aw Mike i love you too" Thorn laughed, getting a small hit on the arm by Vic.

Kellin's P.O.V

I haven't talked to Vic in like a week and at every show the fans knew there was tention between us, i need to settle this i want my Vic back.

So i walked to the pierce the veil bus and just let myself in and sitting there surly was Mike, Hime, Thorn, Tony and... Vic. I sighed.

"Vic i need to talk to you" i said calmly, he just nodded and got up.

I led him away from the bus so the others wouldn't hear i took a deep breath in and hugged him. He was shocked but soon hugged back

"Vic. Im so sorry i was such a dick to you, it's because i may or may not have feelings for Thorn." i said quickly

He looked at me with a poker face.

"Now before you stab me, i would like to say i am so happy for you to have such an amazing girl you are very lucky. I was angry because you hurt her but it wasn't my place to be angry. Vic you are like a brother to me and i am so so so so sorry"

i smiled shyly, he had a massive smile and pulled me in for a hug and whispered

"Im sorry too Kell's i forgive you" we were both smiling like idiots



And we both went back to our busses.

*Later that night*

Thorn's P.O.V

"SHOWTIME" i shouted as the guys ran out on stage "you are gonna do great"

Sitting at the side of the stage i remembered that Vic had told me him and Kellin had made up and Hime and Mike have to. Suddenly i felt this weight lift off me and i felt properly happy.

"Oh man im so pumped" i heard Kellin say from behind me

"You will do amazing Kell" i smiled and hugged him

soon enough we heard Vic's voice over the speakers "this one is called King for a day and i would like to invite my brother from another mother into the stage"  me and Kellin laughed and he ran on

"Good luck" i shouted after him

We were all one big happy family now. No pain. No heartache. No lies.

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