Truth. Tears and trouble. ch 10

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Mike's P.O.V

I was sitting alone on the bus since all the others had gone to get food and i couldn't get the thought of why Thorn couldn't be my daughter. I need to tell her in private.

After about 30 minutes the guys came back with taco bell.

"Mike! Were back" i hear Vic yell

"Well hey guys, got the food?" I asked trying to sound as calm as possible.

"Yep" Thorn said cheerfully.

After eating i quietly motioned Thorn over

"Whats up Mike" she whispered.

I lead her to the back room and sat her down. I took a deep breath

"Listen Thorn if you are wondering, why i wasn't accepted first thing to be your dad"

i started. Tearing up she was to obviously wanting to know this for a while

"Go on Mike. Its okay" she whispered putting a hand on my shoulder

"It was because, in the past. I had a daughter. But" i took another deep breath "one night me and my girlfriend came home and the babysitter came up to us. Crying"

It was hard telling Thorn this. Since no one at all knows this. Not even vic.

"The babysitter came up to us crying saying that our daughter had died."

I could see tears in Thorn's eyes.

"And long story short my girlfriend blaned it on me. Called the cops. I got aressted. Only for a week"

I had proberly started crying now and Thorn had too, just stitting crying.

Hime's P.O.V

I heard the whole conversation. I shouldn't of but i did. I couldn't believe that Mike had a criminal record and i was letting him near my daughter. HELL NO

I stormed in yelling

"MIKE FUENTES GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER" i shouted. Thorn and Mike just sat there

"Hime stop. That was a long time ago" Mike said still in tears


"DAD SHUT THE HELL UP" thorn shouted above me

Me and mike just stared at her.

"Dad you need to calm down, it was a long time ago" thorn explained

I was still mad so i punched mike in the face and went right into his face

"I wont say anything but i dont want you to even talk to Thorn for at least a month" i said through gritted teeth.

Mike's P.O.V

I just sat there and cried while Thorn hugged me.

"I should go" Thorn whispered givig me a kiss on the cheek. I nodded

Once she left i just sat there and cried.

Thorn's P.O.V

After i left mike i fept this sinking feeling in my heart. Oh no i think my depression is coming back.

"Vic" i whispered as i layed next to him

"Yeah, whats up" he whispred back.

"If i look like im upset and im not talking to anyone throughout the next month or so. Dont worry about me, it's just something has happened and i think my depression is coming back"

he sighed and nodded.

"And if i find out you did anything to harm yourself. God better look away" he said hugging me

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