the day before tour. ch 6

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Mike's P.O.V

I dont know what came over me. Was i mad at him? I don't know what im going to do.

*Flashback* mikes p.o.v

"So how are you and Thorn doing" i asked my brother casually.

"None of your business" he was pissed off at something

"Hey dude whats up" i said shuffling closer

"Im just stressed about the tour" he sighed. "But yeah were okay, on the first show of the tour im going to get her up on stage"

"Oh thats cool, but you know she has anxiety don't you? i questioned.

He nodded "but she will have to get over it"

"Dude it's not that easy" i was kind of agitated about what he said

"All she has to do is stand infront on 5,000 people (i dunno how many tbh) its not hard"

"for you! For you vic, its your job" i was shouting and pretty pissed now

"I know its my job, and stop shouting she will have to get over it. Alex did"

I was pissed at him now and punched him right in the face.

"O-oh sorry Vic i didnt-"

"Shut up you cunt, dont talk to me"

and he just walked off.

*End of flashback* Thorns P.O.V

ive been up in my room most of the day to give the guys a little bit of space before the tour. I decided to go downstairs and saw mike sitting on the sofa looking pretty worried

"Hey Mike whats up" i said sitting next to him

"I got angry at Vic, punched him, now he wont talk to me" he sighed

"Don't worry he will get over it soon* i gave him a hug

"You dont know Vic he will be mad at me for nearly the whole tour"

"Oh. Well dont worry, do you want me to talk to him"

He nodded. Then my phone rang it was Tony

*Phone call* [To= tony Th= thorn]

Th-" hey is everything okay turtle?"

to-"Vic just texted me and said mike punched him and not to bother waiting up for him tonight"

i started to panic. I felt my lungs stop. I couldnt breath.

To-" hello? Thorn are you okay"

i couldnt answer. All i could say was "mike" before seeing him rush over and then i blacked out.


oh no hospital again.

I opened my eyes to see only Vic sitting next to me

"W-wheres Mike" i croaked

"He's in the waiting room"

"Vic why did you leave" i asked starting to tear up

"I was pissed off and needed air."! i could tell he was lying

"No. What happened" i asked. He sighed

"On the first show of the tour i was going to get you up on stage. To show the fans your beautiful face, then Mike reminded  me about your anxiety. And if he wasnt there i would of hurt you basicaly"

He started tearing up

"Tony said not to bother waiting for you tonight, Vic were you going t-"

"yes...." he said looking into my eyes.

"but only at the thaught of hurting you" his tears were rolling down his cheeks now

I placed a finger under his chin and kissed him. He kissed me back straight away, it was deep and passionate. As we pulled away he lent his forehead one mine

"I could never loose you Thorn, your too special, i love you" he whispered

"I love you to Vic" i wispered back

Vics P.O.V

We sat like that for about a minute until Mike walked in, looking at me cautiously. I felt so bad and so i stood up and hugged him tightly with him hugging me back.

"Im sorry bro" Mike said holding tighter around me

"Me to. And dont worry im here im not leaving any of you" i whispered

*Skip getting discarged from hospital and drive home*
Thorns P.O.V

Vic and i were lying in bed just staring at the celing and i heard him sofly sing 'Hold on till' may'. I cuddled into him lying my head on his chest and let myself drift off to sleep listning to his voice and heart beat

"I love you Thorn" was the last thing i heard him say before i fell into a deep sleep.


A/N= Hey guys. I know the story is quite skippy and the chapters go to fast so from now on im slowing them down; connecting them more.

Thanks for reading love you all

-Lolly x

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