The End. ch 23

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Vic's P.O.V

i woke up the next morning and Thorn wasn't next to me.

"Thorn?" I said out answer

I walked into the bathroom she wasn't there

"Thorn?" I said again only this time i was a little bit worried.

I walked to the top of the stairs and heard Thorn's laugh, i breathed a sigh of releaf. I walked downstairs and stood in the doorway to the livingroom and saw Thorn talking to her mum.

"And then i turned round and saw Vic down on one knee" Thorn said excitedly

"Aw that sounds amazing Thorn" her mum smiled but it dropped as she noticed me and she looked at the floor.

Thorn turned round and gave me a warm smile which i happily returned.

"Hi im Vic, Thorn's husband. It's great to meet you Mrs Elizabeth" i said walking over to Thorns mum with my hand streched out. She seemed taken back for a moment but happily took it.

"Call me Rachel dear" she smiled

I sat for a good while talking and laughing with Rachel, getting to know her. And believe me she was really nice.

"Well, i should be off" Rachel said standing up

"Where are you staying mum?" Thorn asked

"Acctually in my house, it's only a 30 minute drive from here" she smiled

"Wait. My whole life. You have only been 30 minutes away" Thorn smiled as she said this

"Yes Thorn, far enough away from your dad but close enough to you" Rachel smiled warmly.

We exchanged hugs and i stood with Thorn in the doorway watching her drive off.

"Hey darling, im gonna be in the studio for the next week or so; so you might be here alone alot" i frowned

"Thats fine i can always invite Jaz round, or even mum" she smiled

"Where are the others" she said just noticing it was only me and her in the house

"I don't know, shopping maybe" i shrugged and sat down on the couch

Thorn sat on the couch next to me and sighed

"Whats up darling?"

"I wonder what its like, ya know. Being a mum. I cant wait to have that opportunitiy" she smiled at nothing, probably imagining having a child

I smirked "well darling, i guess i could show you what it's like" i whispered in here ear and kissed her neck making her shiver

"Vic...." she smirked

I chuckled and picked her up and carried her upstairs.

"You said you wanted to know what it's like to be a mum" i winked


*a few days later. Thorn's P.O.V*

I have been sitting next to this toilet constantly throwing up for the past few hours.

"Why am i so ill" i groaned hitting my head on the toilet

"I don't know hun...wait have you and Vic had sex?" Jaz asked while rubbing my back

I nodded slowly. And saw her reaching into her bag and she threw something at me..

"A pregnancy test?" I asked holding it up

"Yes Thorn you could be pregnant, do the test now" she said while closing the door.

I took the test and waited about 5 minutes and saw a red plus sign..meaning positive.

"J-Jazmine!!!" I shouted in glee

"What? What? What does it say?" She ran in

"Im preagnant" i cried tears of joy

"Oh baby girl thats, great. How will you tell Vic?" She asked smiling

"I have a plan" i smirked

After about 20 minutes of setting up i finaly saw Mike's car pull up.

"Okay Jaz, full" i squeeked

Jaz turned the speakers on and blasted out Junstin Bierbers song baby. (A/N- I HATE JUSTIN B IT JUST SUTED THE STORY)

"Omg Jaz turn that crap off" Tony shouted as they walked through the door

"No shh, listen to the lyrics" i said hushing them

"Yeah, it just says baby over and over and over again" Dad said with a confused look

"Oh my god you guys are so dumb aren't you" Jaz laughed from behind me while the guys stood there completely baffled

" preagnant" i smiled as everyones jaws dropped to the floor.

Soon enough i was under a massive pile of mexicans and Jazmine.

"I love you darling" vic said kissing my forehead

"Congrats" Tony hugged me

My dad was crying and couldn't get his words out it kind of sounded like "kahsvshjmybabay"

"I-im gping to be an uncle" Mike shouted while picking me up and spunning me around.

"Were all one big happy family" i smiled as i was squished once again

A/N- Yes this is the end of the story, i will be posting information soon to whether there will be a sequal but for now goodbye my Taco's. OH and the picture is Thorn's mum.


-Lolly xx

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