Darling close your eyes. ch 15

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Vic's P.O.V

I sat nervously waiting for Hime's answer. He smiles

"Vic do it, ask Thorn to marry you. But only if you know she is the one" he says putting a hand on my sholder

"Don"t worry Hime, she definetly is the one" i smile, he chuckles

"Vic. If Thorn says yes, im going to be your dad-in-law" me and Hime sit there and cringe for a few moments

"Okay, Hime. I will be back soon, if Thorn asks where i am say im getting coffee" Vic says breaking the weird silence

"You getting a ring?" Hime asked chuckling. Vic nodded and sped off down the hall.

Thorns P.O.V

So i was upstairs in bed but i was woken by a loud bang.

"Shut the fuc- oh" i started but realised no one was there to yell at.

I looked at my phone, the time was only 3:45 .

"I may aswell socialise" i say to myself pulling on a pair of sweat pants.

I walk downstairs to see everyone BUT Vic.

"Hey dad, where is Vic?" I ask casually

"He has.. um gone to get c-coffee" he said uneasily

"Okay then" i say dropping the subject.

"So tell me Thorn, how are you and Vic doing?" Tony asked

"Were doing good turtle i couldn't be more happy" i smiled

Tony smiled "good"

*time lapse 2 1/2 hours*

I was just sitting in the couch watching batman with dad and Mike then Vic stormed in.

"Thorn come with me" Vic said pulling me up

"Where are we going" i asked

"Hush woman" Vic laughed

Then Vic put a blind fold on me and lead me to the car.

"Vic where are we going" i asked giggiling

"I can't tell you or it wont be a surprise"

We then sat in silence for about 20 minutes then the car stopped. Vic helped me iut the car and the ground had loads of leaves and twigs.

"Vic you are scaring me now" "i don't like being in the woods"

"Dont worry darling, you'll like it this time"

Vic led me somewhere, that took about two minutes. All of a sudden i couldn't feel his hands on my sholders.

"V-vic this is not funny" i said whilst i heard shuffling.

"Darling it's okay you can take your blindfold off now"

I then take my blindfokd off to see that Vic has taken me into the woods at peek time of all the bluebells. I then turn around and see Vic on one knee holding a small diamond ring.

"Vic" i gasp

"Thorn i love you and i want to spend the rest of my life and hopefully an afterlife with you, you came into my world by accident but i truly believe it was fate."

Vic took a deep breath while i stood their shocked

"Thorn Elizabeth w-will you do me the hounour of becoming my wife?"

"V-vic of c-course i will" i cried and hugged him

A/N- im so sorry for not updating guys, my phone broke and my wifi was down but here is the capter you have been waiting for. BTW the picture is where Vic took Thorn.

Lots of love
Lolly xx

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