The big party. ch 16

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Kellin's P.O.V

I was driving to the PTV house for a massive party they were having but everyone who was going didnt know what the party was for.

"Did you forget Vic's birthday" gabe asked from the back seat

"No,no, its not Febuary yet Gabe" i sighed as this is the 10th time he has asked me

"Guys just shut up, we'll see what it's about when we get there" i grumbled

"Well someone is on their period"  Justin laughed

"Grow up" i shouted as we pulled into the drive

I reconised a few cars already Austin Carlile was here and so was Oli Sykes, it was still pretty early.

Thorn's P.O.V

I saw SWS pull into the drive from the back garden so i ran through the house and opend the front door, running up to Kellin and hugging him almost knocking him over.

"So your almost 20 and you still act like your 14" gabe laughed while i hugged him

"No im almost 14 but i act like im 20" i said sarcasticly while i hugged the others.

Once all of SWS got their hugs i ran up to the door and yelled "come on were missing the party".

I led the guys into the back garden where music is playing,OMAM and BMTH are jamming out and PTV are in the pool.

"Look which motherfuckers decided to show up" i laughed whils everyone said their "hi's" and "sup's".

Vic's P.O.V

Watching Thorn hang with all the guys n shit gave me loads of trust in her, being the only girl here surrounded by guys and it just made me so... so happy. And i know i definetly made the right choice.

"So taco can you finally tell us why were all here" Ronnie (who arrived later) shouted to me over the music.

"Yeah holy shit short stuff whats with the massive party" austin asked ruffling my hair which made me giggle.

"Okay...okay" i said trying to get over to Thorn who was on the bouncy castle

"Hey darling, i think we should tell everyone why they are here" i shouted in.

Thorn squeeled and attemped to run towards the exit but fell flat on her face. I had to laugh "i will get you for laughing Fuentes" she smirked

"Whoah not right now darling" i winked and she smacked my arm.

"Not .what i ment" she giggled.

Third person P.O.V

Vic brought Thorn up onto the deck which was slighly higher than the ground level with a mic in his hand

"You, vic whats with the mic? You gonna sing for us" Andy (biersack) yelled making everyone laugh

"Ha. Ha. No. Shut up" vic laughed

"Okay so guys i know everyone is wondwring why this massive party has been thrown" vic began

"No Shit sherlock" alex (Gaskarth) shouted from the crowd of bands

"Do you guys want to know why your here or not" vic said sternley. It went silent

"As i was saying, you guys are probably wondering why this massive party has been thrown...and its because i finally preposed to Thorn and she said yes" vic smiled earning a kiss on the cheek from Thorn

A collection of "awwws" and "congratulations" rose from the crowd and the beautiful comment of "fuck her right in the pussy" from Jack (Barakat)

"Was that really needed Jack" Thorn laughed. Jack just nodded

Thorn's P.O.V *30 minutes later*

Okay by now alot of people were drunk, but i wasn't because im not 21 yet so i was sitting in the bouncy castle alone scrolling through twitter when a VERY drunk Kellin crawls in.

"H-hey Thorn" he hiccuped

"Hey Kellin, you're drunk" i giggled

"Shut up bitch and let me speak" he said putting his index finger on my mouth

I was shocked but remembered he didn't mean it.

"S-so Thorn i'v l-liked you for a w-while now and i j-just wanted to say" he started while hiccuping

"Come here" he said quite assertively grabbing my arm and pushing me down

"Kellin. Get the fuck off. Your drunk" i grunted from struggling to get out his grasp

"I said shut up. And let me talk bitch" he said again.

I was now pretty scared of Kellin as i've never seen this angry side to him and right now he is drunk while pinning me down in a bouncy castle with no one here to help me.

"I have liked you for a while now Thorn and i just wanted to" at this moment Kellin forced his lips onto mine, i tried pushing him off but he was strong. Once he pulled away i just layed there staring at him.

"Thanks baby doll" he chuckled darkly while slightly slapping my face, not hard but like tapping it.

As he crawled out the castle i pulled my knees to my chest and started sobbing at the realisation that i had technically just been rapped by Kellin. Shall i tell Vic?

A/N- Just to clarify forsefully kissing someone is classed as mild rape, i didnt just make it up for the story.

What do you think of Kellin? And what is Thorn going to do? All will be revealed

Lots of love-
Lolly xx

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