Oh. yay. ch 2

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Thorn's P.O.V

I sat there infront of Mike, he was looking at me with hopeful eyes. I turned to look at the guys they were all smiling, i looked back at Mike.

"Yes! I would love to" i said whilst giving him a tight hug. I could feel him laughing, he pulled away and his face went serious.

"we all have to wait a couple of days before we know if i have been certified to be your dad" he said half smiling on the word dad.

I just nodded in understandment. I suddenly felt atrong arms around me, they were Vic's.

"Were never letting you go back to that place Thorn and your dad has been arested. Tomorrow we are all going shopping for you" he whispered into my ear, and i could feel his smile.

"Hey but we shouldn't go shopping to early, just in case Mike don't get certified" tony spoke up. We all nodded in agreement. Then i had an idea.

"Im going to quickly run back to my house and pick up a few things"

Mike opened his mouth to say something but i butt in "you said he's been arasted soo he wont be there" i explained. They all nodded.

I walked to the door and grabbed my shoes, as i walked out the door i felt arms snake around my waist. Obviously Vic. I smiled.

"Im coming with you" he declared

"Okay then" i laughed back. Vic looked into my eyes and i felt my spine tingle, am i in love with him?

Vic's P.O.V

the walk to her house was quiet but comfortable. As we approched her house, i started to think about the pain that she had gone through in there and my imagination started mimicking her screams of pain.

A single tear  rolled down my face and as we reached the door i turned to Thorn.

"I cant believe what you have gone through in this house Thorn and it pains me to even think about it" i said truthfuly. She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Well hopefuly thats all over now" she said softly. And then it hit me.

I love this girl.

Hime's P.O.V

As Vic and Thorn left me and Tony  just started laughing.

"Aww hes like a love- sick puppy" Tony cooed. I laughed even harder.

"Well he better not get any ideas" I heard Mike say. I was shoked to hear him say this as well, maybe its just his fatherly instinct coming out.

"Now come one Mike, Vic is responable and Thorn is too, if they got together whats the problem" then it hit me. Vic would be Thorn's uncle. It would be wrong.

So i had an idea. "Im going to change your name to mine Mike, Thorn will be my daughter". Mike smiled. Yeah thats what his problem was.

"okay" he said, he looked upset about the fact of loosing his daughter but he wants her to be happy i guess.

Vic's P.O.V

both of us walked up to Thorns bedroom, it was quite small and all the walls were covered in band posters.

"I love your room" i said awkwardly

She giggled "yeah its okay i guess".

Suddenly i got a text from Mike and Hime.

Mike- Hime is going to be Thorn's dad. She cant date her uncle ;)

Hime- i got certifed straight away. she is now my property XD.

I chuckled and looked up to see Thorn sitting on a small suit case.

"Thorn Mike isnt you dad." Her face dropped. so i walked over and hugged her.

"Dont worry darling, Hime is you dad" at that she smiled.

"So i get to stay with you? And the guys?" She squealed. I just nodded, i can't acctually beleived that we had saved this girl by almost killing her.

Mike's P.O.V

"its been a long day guys im going to go to sleep". They both nodded and said their goodnights.

Then it hit me, im not going to be able to call this beautiful girl my daughter, as i reached my room, i closed my door and let my back slide down it. I started to cry and eventually fell asleep right where i was.

Thorn's P.O.V

on the way back Vic had insisted he carried my suit case, so i let him and while we were walking i could feel his eyes on me.

"Why are you looking at me like that" i ask looking down. He sighed

"To tell you the truth, i think your really pretty and nice" he spoke up nuging me with his elbo

"You havent seen the real  me" i whispered hoping he didnt hear.

Vic's P.O.V

oh i heard, and the rest of the walk home i was trying to figure out what she ment.

We arrived back at the house and we sat down with Tony and Hime

"Wheres Mike?" I asked

"Sleeping" tony shrugged. suddenly a loud gasp came from Hime's mouth.

"We should throw a party and invite all our friends to celebrate our new arrival" he shouted hugging Thorn.

"A pool party" tony added. We all nodded accept Thorn. I looked at her.

"Whats wrong Thorn" she looked at me when i said it and simply said.

"None of your friends will like me, trust me" she looked down. I dont know what happened maybe Hime's fartherly instincts kicked in, he rushed over to her. Held both sides of her face.

"They will love you Thorn. And you will loce them, were friends with all your favourite bands" at this she smiled.

"Okay" she breathed.

I could tell there was something other than people not liking her that made her sad.

Tony's P.O.V

I called everyone we all knew and invited them for a pool party. Non alcoholic. It was going to be crazy.

But i dont like the way Thorn shys away at the thought of a pool party. Shes a teenage girl who probably thinks she is fat. Yeah thats it. Ill get Vic to talk to her tomorrow.

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