mamma. ch 14

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Thorn's P.O.V

So I just mentioned my mum infront of the guys and i have never mentioned her before. I sighed and sat on the floor.

"Thorn, why haven' you ever told me about your mum, i thought you loved me" vic said obviously quite hurt

"I do Vic, it's just i didn't think it was important. Its not like i ever met her" i shrugged

Tony came and sat next to me and hugged my side

"Look, all we want you to do is tell us everything you know about her" he said calmly whilst the others nodded

"Okay fine, when i was born my mum and dad were happily married, everything was going well. Nice house, a fair amount of money, we were happy. This all changed on my 8th birthday, my mum had come home late from a night out and my dad was mad, they had a really big argument and i heard mum leave." 

I started crying into Tony's chest while he hugged me and Vic rubbed my back.

"Do you still want to go on chica?" Dad asked. I nodded

"T-then the next morning i saw mum wasn't downstairs so i asked dad and he basically told me mum was never coming home and that she was an unloyal bitch, because she had been having an affair with another man for 6 months before this. Long story short a few months after my dad started drinking and taking drugs and.... hurting me"

I let out  small wimper as all the memories came flooding back.

"Oh darling, im so sorry" Vic said kissing my head. I nodded

I saw dad was crying, like alot ehile Mike hugged him

"Im so sorry chica, for all you went through but i promice.. i will be here forever, no matter what hapoens in the future i will always love you and you will always be my daughter"

my dad cried. This made sonething snap inside my brain. I cried hard leaning onto Tony for support.

Vic's P.O.V

Seeing Thorn cry like this did make me feel sad but it looked like she needed this, like she must have been wanting to get this off her chest for a while.

I was now in the kitchen with Hime while Thorn was in bed and Tony and Mike were watching tv.

"Hey Hime, what's your views on marrage?" I ask

"Only marry soneone you turly love and cherish" he answered simply "why"

"i-im thinking of asking thorn to m-marry me?" This came out more of a question than an answer.

A/N- hiya so how do you think Hime will react to Vic? And what do you think of Thorns mum?

Btw the girl in the picture is Thorn if you were wondering what she looked like.

-Lolly xx

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