Imagine living like a king someday. ch 7

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Vic's P.O.V

I was woken up by a massive thud. And my alarm going off, i checked my phone and it said 3:30.

"Why the fuck am i u-" then i remebred were going on tour.

Then i realsed it was Thorn who made the thud; she had fallen out of bed. I chuckled to myself and let her sleep a bit longer seeing as she didn't seem hurt.

I went into the bathroom did all the stuff i needed and we still had 3 hours till we leave. I walked back into my room to see Thorn still sleeping, i got an idea. I picked up one of my guitars from the corner of the room. Stood right next to her and strummed loudly.

"What the fuck!" she shouted glaring at me

"Rise and shine darling. Were going on tour today" i chuckled

She still glared at me "sorry but im not really a morning person"

She sat up and her hair was everywhere and no makeup on. She still looked beautiful

"You look beautiful darling" i said helping her up

"Um hmm" she mumbled in her morning voice

*2 And  1/2  hours later*
Still vics P.O.V

All the band was up by now clothed in only sweat pants and hoddies still half asleep.

"Hey guys" i heard Thorn yawn as she walked through the living room door

There was a mixture of "sup" and "hiya" across the room. Then a sudden gasp made us all jump out if our skins.

" whats wrong Hime" tony groaned

"Vic why haven't you told he she looks beautiful" Hime asked me. I laughed

"I obviously did. Earlier" he nodded "good boy".

The doorbell then rang, i knew who it was because what i didnt tell Thorn is that it was a tour with Sleeping With Sirens. I went up to the door

"Hey man" Kellin and the guys whispered

"Hey, come in" i opened the door wider

"Where is she? I havent seen her since the pool party" Gabe asked

"Through here" i laughed.

Thorn's P.O.V

I saw Vic walk back in with SWS.

"Heyy" Gabe shouted running up to me and hugging me. I was still half asleep and in a mood so i bit him

"Owww why did you do that" he pouted. Vic laughed

"She isnt a morning person at all, i'd stay away from her"

Almost imedietly ever one took one step back from me. I thought it was funny so i growled.

"Now now. No need to get pissy darling" Vic laughed. I shone a sarcastic smile

"Behave" i heard Hime shout

"Oo sorry dad" i put my hands up and walked over to him "im sooo scared of you"

"Good you should be. I can ground you" he laughed and so did everyone

I decided to be nice so i went over and greeted SWS. NOW ive alwqys had a TINY  crush on Kellin but its cool im with Vic and he is way out of me legue.

So we were all sitting around talking abot the places on tour that were going and suddenly two massive buses rolled up outside.

"Thats our ride" Vic said standing up

"I get top bunk" i shouted grabbing my bags

"That means your sharing a bunk with me then" Vic chuckled darkly

I big spread of wolf whistles and obe "Get in there Thorn" spread around the room.

I was in  good mood so to milk it. I winked at them all and dragged Vic out the door.

Kellin's P.O.V

Ever since i first saw Thorn i could tell i had a bit of a crush on her and it made ne quite jealous that she was with Vic. Oh well its going to be an amazing tour, it also gives me a chance to get closer to Thorn.

Entering our busses was fun. With all the bags and Tony almost crying because Vic wouldnt let him run back in and get his stuffed turtle.

I love all these guys. But i love Thorn more

"Hey kells you okay" i was snapped from my day dream by Thorn

"what?, oh yeah im fine" i laughed

"Okay were gonna hit the road so you might want to get on your bus if you dont want to get left behind" she giggled

"Yeah okay see you in San Fran" i waved to her as she walked away.

my bad side started to say: Maybe. Just maybe i could do something that would get Thorn upset and dump Vic and come crying to me. I will be there for her and she will realise she loves me.

then my good side started saying: NO. WHAT. I CANT DO THAT TO VIC.

and once again my bad side spoke: cant you?

one girl- Vic fuentes love storyWhere stories live. Discover now