I'll sing along . ch 13

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Thorn's P.O.V

So the guys and i have been home for about a week now, everything was going well.

At this moment of time I had my earphones in listning to the 'Hold on till may- acoustic' which is a song that mean's alot to me because it has got me through some hard times. It was about 6 am, so people were asleep.

"If i were you id put that away, see your just waisted and thinking about the past again.... darling you'l be okay.

And she said. 'If you were me you'd do the same because i can't take anymore i'll draw the shades and close the door. Im not alright and i would rather.."

I sang quietly but loud enough for a cirten someone to pull the earphones out my ear and whisper

"Darling, you are an amazing singer" he whispered hugging into me

"Oh sorry, i didnt mean to wake you" i smiled shyly

"I could wake up to you sining everyday, and never get bored of it"

he smiled and planted a light kiss on my forehead. I yawned and decieded sleep if good for you, so i snuggled into Vic, letting his rhythmic heart beat drift me off to sleep.

Vic's P.O.V

I had woke up a few hours later and decided to let Thorn sleep in. Downstairs everyone else was awake.

"Morning guys" i yawned, earning  a sleepy 'hey' from Mike and Hime

"Hey uh Hime?" I asked breaking the silence


"Did you know Thorn can sing? Like really well?"

He shook his head "no"

"well she can, i think we should try and get her to sing for us" i smiled

This is when Tony butt in

"What if she doesn't want to" he said being grumpy; he never was a morning person

"Well then she doesn't have to" Mike chuckled, being in a slightly better mood.

* later on that day*

Thorn's P.O.V

"Hey Thorn, can you get down here for a second please?" i heard my dad call.

I ran downstairs to see all the guys sitting on one sofa, dad with guitar in hand. Damn it Vic

"Yes" i played dumb

Mike rubbed the back of his neck "well, uh. Victoldusyoucansingandwewanttohear" he said quickly

"Slower whiskey hands" i smirked

"Vic told us you can sing and we really want to hear" Mike said pointing at Vic, almost like a child blaming another child

"Will you sing for us chica?" My dad asked

I simply nodded because i know they wouldn't let me leave if i didn't

So with guitar at the ready my dad simply asked "what song?"

"Im low on gas and you need a jacket" i smiled at Vic while he gave me a cheeky looking thumbs up.

"So keepin happiness and torture me while i tell you,' let's go in style'  a million hoojs around a million ways to die, let's go outside it'll be alright

Last night, you said  you ended up in Palm Springs dancing on tables."

As I sang the last line all four men infront of me cheered and clapped; i think Tony was crying.

"That was amazing chica" my dad said hugging me

"Where did you learn to sing like that" Mike asked

"You sound better than Vic" Tony laughed

"See. I fucking told you she was amazing" Vic said whilst i laughed

"Well one. Thanks dad. Two. My mum taught me. Three. Why thank you turtle. And four. Stop talking about me behind my back Vickypoo"

i chuckled answering their questions and remarks.

It then went scilent..

"D-did you say your mum?" Vic asked slowly.

Then it hit me, i never told the guys about my mum all they know about is my dad. And in the heat of everything i answered the truth but not wanting the guys to know it. Just yet.

Im going to have to tell them.

A/N-  sorry i havn't been posting guys it's mostly because of christmas and getting settled back into school. So this was a short filler chapter, i know,! im sorry it's shitty but i did have a mojor writers block so im proud i even came up with this XD.

So what do you think about Thorn not telling the guys about her mum? what kind of story is she going to tell? *EVIL LAUGH*  you have to wait and see.

Lots of Love
- Lolly x

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