bulletproof love . ch 9

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vic's P.O.V

As soon as everyone left i just layed there on the stage staring into the space where the crowd once was. Thinking only about how much i hurt Thorn, i should of listend to Mike.

"Come on dude we need to head off to the next venue" i heard my brothers voice from behind.

"I just want to lay here forever and die" i whispered back

I then felt two hands graps around my sholders lifting me to stand. I wouldn't look up to see who it was

"Fine im coming" i mumbled

I shuffled slowly back to the bus, still not looking up until i felt a blow to my stomach.  I fall to my knees and look up.

"Kellin"? Kellin is looking down at me with rage in his eyes.

"You. Were. Told. Vic" he said through geritted teeth

"I know" i replyed looking back down.

As i heard kellins footsteps die away i got up slowly and entered my bus.

"Hola Vic" i heard Hime say

I just looked at him then back to the floor and walked to my bunk. OH SHIT i just remebered i share a bunk with Thorn.

Thorn's P.O.V

I heard Vic come onto the bus but i was in the toilet so i couldn't see him. All the guys says he feels awful about what happened and that we might need to keep an eye on him.

"This is all my fault" i whispered to my dad hugging his side

"No no chica it's not your fault and it's not Vic's either. It's that fans fault" he said kissing the top of my head.

"Then why does Vic feel like shit and why do i feel like shit" i looked up at him. He sighed

"Because when you love someone so much even if it wasn't your fault you still fell bad because you want to protect them and when something happens like it has done today, they feel like they have failed to protect you." He said calmly

"I love Vic so much dad, i hate to see him so sad about something that wasn't his fault. I feel like shit because he feels like shit"

"Go talk to him then chica, go tell him hiw much you love him and how it wasn't his fault" he had a small smile as if he was proud of his words.

"Okay" i nodded and walked off to the bunk area.

Vic's P.O.V

I had been laying here for about 20 minutes doing nothing. Just crying and thinking about what i've done wrong. Until i heard the bunk curtain being pulled.

"Hey Vic" i heard Thorn whisper. It only made me cry more.

I felt her hand on my sholder and she rolled me iver to face her. Her eyes twinkling with tears.

"Can i lay with you please, only for a little while" she smiled hopefuly

"Of course darling" i opened up my arm and she gladly rolled into them.

"Vic. You know what happed on stage earlier. It wasn't your fault" she whispered.

"But darling. It is because i wanted you up there" i started tearing up again.

"No Vic. You didnt plan for that bitch of a fan to speak up, you couldnt control that. You just wanted to show how much you loved me"

By now i was crying into her sholder.

"And Vic. You showed so much love for me and i want you to know 'my love for you IS bulletprooff' and i don't want anything to change."

i looked into her teared up eyes and smiled. I needed to do this, i crashed my lips into hers passionatly, our lips mived in sync for about 20 seconds until we both pulled away.

"I love you so much Thorn and im never going to be the one who shot you" i smiled and she smiled.

"I love that song" she giggled.

I laughed aswell "i know darling. I know".

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