Last show of the tour. ch 12

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Vic's P.O.V

It was about 5:30 in the morning and i couldn't sleep so i quietly slipped out of my bunk trying not to wake Thorn; which i didn't. So i walked out to the 'living room' and sitting there was Hime.

"Hey Hime why are you up so early" i asked. And he looked at me blankly

"Whats wrong man" i could hear the panic in my own voice

"nothing is wrong Vic im actually quite happy it's just"

"Its just what Hime" i said slowly

"I really want to bring Thorn up on stage tonight but i-"

"Dont want a repeat of last time?" I butt in and he nodded

"I want our fans to know her as my daughter as well as your girlfriend"

he sounded quite sad so i hugged him.

"Look Hime we can ask Thorn if she wants too and if she does we will just breif the crowd before she comes on just explaining what happened last time" i said smiling at which he smiled back.

"Yeah okay" he nodded

*Later during the show*
Vic's P.O.V

"Alright guys there is someone that we want you all to meet but before she comes on stage i want you to know, last time she came up here she had a pretty hard time and it caused alot of problems with the band and kellin and her."  I sighed remembering the bad times.

I was snapped out my thoughts by Hime running up and grabing the mic

"I want you guys to meet. My daughter Thorn" he smiled as she walked on, a bit more confident than last time.

"she is also my girlfriend" i said happily as ne an Hime hugged her.

There were loads of cheers and 'awwws' . It went silent, just like it did last time. Oh no

"You guys are so cute together and Hine is lucky to have you as a daugher Thorn" A girl shouted from the crowd and loads of other people were shouting 'yeah' and 'love you'.

Thorn's P.O.V

this was the best night ever. I grabbed the mic

"Thank you so much guys for your support i really love you guys" i shouted and the crows rose up in cheers

I then felt two kisses on either of my cheeks and i felt my cheeks rise up in embaressment.

Vic's P.O.V

"Thank you so much for this amazing tour guys we hope to see you very soon" i said before running off stage with Thorn's and in mine.

*On the bus*

"I love you so much Thorn and i can't wait to get you home" Vic whispered in my ear as the bus drove home.

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