I bet you've never had a friday night like this. ch 5

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Vic's P.O.V

Were going on tour in 3 days and i cant wait to tell Thorn she is going to be so excited.

"Hey Hime" i said sitting on the couch near him

"Hey" he spoke in monotone avoiding eye contact.

"When are we going to tell Thorn about the tour" i asked making conversation

Hime only shrugged his shoulders i was getting mad now

"Okay dude what is up with you? Why are you being like this?" He then looked over at me and sighed

"Sorry dude its just because... im scared that if you and Thorn go out that your going to hurt her" he said looking down into his lap.

I was shocked to hear this and quite hurt so i went and sat next to him

"You know i would never hurt that little angel i love her way too much"

Hime's P.O.V

I knew what V ic was saying was true, how could i be so stupid not to trust him or her for that matter.

"Sorry Vic i think it just the dad in me kicking in" he laughed

"Whats so funny" i chuckled back

"Ive never seen you be so responsable" he was smiling so i knew he was joking.

Suddenly Mike and Tony burst in

"Hey guys tonight were taking Thorn out for dinner and thats when we break the tour news" they spoke hushed and in a loud tone at the same tine which is creepy.

"Okay that sounds great, what time" Vic asked

"In about 2hours" Mike said

"I'll go tell Thorn" i offered standing up.

Thorn's P.O.V

i heard a knock up on my door the other day i open it to find death staring in my face

My music played loudly while i danced around; i havent seen any of the guys in a while though. It doesnt matter really.

I then turn round to see my dad standing in my door way. i screamed and ran to turn my music down

"You scared the shit out of me" i said brethlessly

"Haha sorry, just came to let you know that were going out for dinner in about 2hours, not fancy just casuall" he smiled and walked away

"Thanks" i called down the hall

*skip getting ready* Thorn's P.O.V

I was wearing a grey batman tank top with black ripped jeans with my black converse and batman beanie. I have an obsession with batman

"Hola im ready" i shouted as i jumped down the last three steps

And before i knew i had a short mexican running up to me, picking me up, spining me around and kissing me.

"Nice to see you too Vic" i giggled

" oh ny god that was so cute" Mike said smiling

"And all on video" Tony laughed "im putting it on instagram"

Soon enough all our phones pinged he had tagged everyone and the video goes from when you hear my shout to the end of the kiss.

*In the car*

"So whats this place called" i asked

"Perries" Mike aswered. Looking at me in the rearview mirror

"Cool. Cool"

The rest of the drive was silent until we all sat down.

Vic's P.O.V

Once we had sat down at the table and ordered i looked at Mike and he nodded as if to say go.

"So Thorn we all need to tell you something" i said holding her hands across the table.

Her face looked worried. "No. No its nothing to worry about you migjt like it" Tony chimed in. She smiled again

"In three days me and the guys ate going on tour"

At this her shoulders slumped and she looked down, broken.

"But youre coming with us" i beamed and she looked up with shock.

"A-am i really?" she flustered as we all nodded excitedly.

"oh my gosh thank you guys" she went round hugging all of us. Hugging me for a little longer.

*After food* vic's P.O.V

After we ate we all decided to go home and by my side was Thorn and i really needed to ask her something.

"So are we like a thing, or boyfriend and girlfriend" i looked down to her and she smiled

"I dont mind either"

"Boyfriend and girlfriend it is then" i then did something my mind wasnt planning on doing.

I dipped her like we had just got married and kissed her, it wasnt rough but soft and loving.

Yeah i do love her.

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