Kellin... ch.18

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Thorn's P.O.V

I walked downstairs. It had been a few hours since Vic set Kellin right which i was thankful for. I walked into the living room and swiched on the tv, the first thing I noticed was a 'BREAKING NEWS' report.

"Firefighters have been trying for nearly 1 hour to put out the flame, as far as we know there is no one inside and we still don't yet know how the blaze started" the anchor man said

I put my hand over my mouth and gasped with tears in my eyes as i saw the video image of the house was Kellun's house. Up in flames. He IS still in there.

So u ran and grabbed my keys and left a note for the guys simply saying "watch the news".

Kellin's P.O.V

I woke up after my nap to the smell of...smoke? Then i heard the crackling of fire.

"Shit" i whispered as i searched around my room for the door.

My vision was blocked from all the thick black smoke that surrounded me. Ash i choked and coughed i finaly found the door handle; opening the door just to be hit in the face with the heat and smoke.

From out side i could hear a girl shouting something like "someone is in there" but i couldn't quite hear. As i walked down the stairs with caution, still not being able to see i could see the flames growning nearer.

"K-kellin? Are y-you in here?" I heard someone shout but i wan't able to answer as i didn't want to inhale any more smoke.

As i reached the bottom of the stairs i heard a crack and was soon struck down by part of the burnt celing. Hitting my head when i fell.

"K-kellin is t-that you?" I heard someone say as they choked on the smoke and walked over too me. As they got closer i realised it was Thorn.

"T-thorn?..." i said weakly

"Shh, Kellin. Im getting you out of here" she said as she started to lift the celing off me

"N-no Thorn, i deserve this" i coughed

"Kellin, i d-don't want you dead" she choked.

Thorn finaly got the celing off of me and helped me stand up. Guiding me past the flames and through the smoke.

Vics P.O.V

I read the note and saw the news feed. Kellin's house was on fire.

"Shit, i know what she's done" i said to myself

"TONY, HIME, MIKE! GET DOWN HERE NOW" i shouted. Soon seeing them all run down in panic.

"Get in the car, i'll explain on the way" i said pushing them out the door and jumping into the car and driving to Kellin's. As we pulles up we saw the house in flames

"Shit..." Hime said.

"Wait, wheres Thorn?" Mike asked

I just pointed to the house "i bet she is in there" and his eyes grew wide

We all got out the car and ran up to the house, but we were stopped by a police man.

"Whoah boys, can't go in there. Too dangerous" he said

"But my daughter is in there" Hime cried

"The girl that ran in?" He asked and we all nodded.

"Well we can't go in after her as it's unstable, but i wish her the best" he said then walked away.

We all looked over to Hime who was pacing round, tears pouring out his eyes.

*10 minutes later*

" it has been 10 minutes" i cried as Mike hugged me.

Thorns P.O.V

As i guided Kellin throught the burning flames and thick smoke i could feel myself getting light headed. Seeing the front door i spead up, trying to keep Kellin from hitting anything. As we got to the door i felt like i was going to collapse so i pushed Kellin forward.

"Kellin, you go" i said falling to my knees choking and coughing


"Kellin. GO!" I shouted then saw him run out the door.

Vics P.O.V

After waiting about 20 minutes we finaly saw Kellin stagger out the house coughing and gasping for clean air. Watching medical team run over to him and get him on a strecher. I ran over to him

"K-kellin" i said with tears in my eyes.

"T-thorn" he said looking up at me

"No its Vic" i said putting a hand on his shoulder

"No, Thorn. She is still inside. She collapsed" he said crying. I felt tears fall down my cheeks, not caring where they landed.

"MY FENCEÈ IS STILL IN THERE!" i shouted as i watched a firefighter run into the house.

I sat by the guys for what seemed an eternity then saw the same firefighter come out holding Thorn in his arms. She looked dead.

"My baby"

i whispered, hugging Hime. As we watched her get loaded into the same ambulence as Kellin.

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