I kissed the scars on her skin.ch 3

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Thorn's P.O.V

Today is the day of the pool party, now dont get me wrong i love parties. Just not pool ones, see the thing is i have scars on my legs from where i used to self harm and not to mention all my bruses. Im scared that is any of the other bands see, they might hate me for what i did to myself. No one has seen them for i wear long jeans or leggings, not only to hide them but because its cold.

"Hey Thorn get down here" i heard my dad (Hime) shout. Well he doesn't sound angry.

As i went downstairs in my fabulous black veil brides jumper and ripped jeans, i noticed there were other voices in the living room other than PTV's. So i walked through the door and there sat the 5 boys that were on my jumper.

"Why did you call me down" i asked trying not to fangirl

"Well firstly Tony got you a present" then Tony handed me a black bikini with red skulls on it.

"Aww thank you tony" i said giving him a hug.

"And secondly we would like you to meet.. the guys on your jumper" Vic laughed, i blushed hard and turned to face BVB.

"Hiya" i spoke up. Andy laughed

"Hey Thorn, so your a fan" i just nodded at his question.

"Now Thorn please tell us you will be attending this pool party" Jake said. I smiled and noddded.

Tony's P.O.V

While Thorn was talking to BVB i pulled Vic out the room.

"Vic i hate to say this, you need to talk to Thorn, she is obviously uncomfortable with her body and is scared to go out there later."

Vic just nodded. "Ill talk to her about 20 minutes before it starts".

"Well you better hurry, people have already started arriving" then vic looked out the window and saw lots of cars. He nodded and ran back into the living room.

Vic's P.O.V

I ran into the living room. "Hey Thorn come with me, bring your bikini"

That grabbed everyones attention and earned a few wolf whistles. Just for fun i winked at them and puled her away leaving them all in a state of shock.

As we reached my room i pushed her in sofly. "Go into the bathroom and put that bikini on, then come out and let me see" i smiled. She didn't

"Uh why" she asked avoiding eye contact.

"Because i can tell your uncomfortable with your body and i want you to get over that"

All she did was nod.

Thorn's P.O.V

i went into the bathroom, put on the bikini, looked in the mirror and sighed. I know im not fat or overweight at all im ideal but i just dont enjoy showing to much of my skin especially my legs.

"Come on out Thorn" i heard vic call. So i took a deep breath and stepped out. All i heard was a massive gasp. And saw a very shocked Vic.

Vic's P.O.V

When Thorn stepped out she looked beautiful but then i saw something i never wanted to see. This beautiful girl had scars all over her thighs. I could only gasp.

"W-when did you do this" i said as i walked up to her hugging around her waist.

"I stopped about a month ago" she looked down "this is why all your friends wont like me Vic" ahe started to cry.

I sat her down on my bed and looked straight into her eyes slowly my head went towards her thighs and kissed the scared skin. Not sexually may i add. She only giggled. I looked back into her eyes.

"You dont even have to tell me why darling, just dont do it again. Ever" i whispered. She half smiled and nodded.

I couldnt take it any longer, my face was an inch from hers. So i lent in and kissed her, her lips were soft and i felt fireworks as she kissed me back. It wasnt a passionate kiss it was small. Loving.

Thorn's P.O.V

"i think we should go join the others" i whispered as we broke apart. With my heart still pounding as i came back to reality.


Me and Vic walked outside and all heads turned towards us. I gasped so hard as i saw all my idols there. ATL, OMAM, BTH, SWS, P!ATD, FOB.

"Hey thorn come over here" my dad shouted. I looked up at Vic he nodded and i walked forward. I noticed all of them looking at my legs, i felt isolated. Suddenly i was hyperventalating and couldnt brethe.

Hime's P.O.V

As Thorn walked over everyone there had noticed the scars on her thighs and before we knew she was hyperventalating. Having a panic attack.

Soon enough Alex gaskarth was kneeling by her side whispering into her ear.

Alex's P.O.V

I reconised it straight away. No one was doing anything so i had to act fast. I ran over to Thorn and whispered into her ear.

"Breathe.. breathe. Focus on my voice, calm down Thorn"

Once she calmed down i pulled away from her and all she did was look at me..

"Thank you Alex" she whispered. Suddenly i heard a hyper Vic shout.

"Hey peasant! I challenge you to a duel" pointing at Thorn. Whilst she smirked.

"Pool joust" Kellin shouted.

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