One hundred sleepless nights. ch 19

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Vic's P.O.V

Sitting in that waiting room was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. Kellin only had 2nd degree burns and a little smoke in his lungs. Loads of press and media surrounded the hospital; fans had also found out as well.

"Vic drink this" i head Kellin say as he handed me a cup if water.

"Kellin, i can't take this from you" i said blankly staring at the wall

"Okay, look. I know you are mad at me and im banned from your life and all that shit but Thorn just risked her life to save me" he said sitting behind me

"So if you wern't so careless she wouldn't be in there, getting treated for 3rd degree burns and smoke in the lungs and shit" i growled at him as tears fell from my eyes.

Suddenly a girl walked up to me and Kellin, im guessing a fan.

"Look Vic, you do realise that she will probably die so there is no point sitting here waiting around for good news" she said while Kellin stared at her.

"Just give up Vic" she finished and walked away.

I sighed and put my head in my hands.

"She's right, my baby is a goner" i sais as i felt arms around me, they were Kellin's but i didn't shake them off; i needed the comfort.

"Vic don't say that, Thorn is strong i know she will make it" he whispered in my ear.

I needed to cry so i turned round and hugged Kellin tightly, crying into his chest as he rubbed my back.

"Vic?" I heard Hime say from behind me.

"What" i said un a muffled voice

"You need to go home, get some rest"

"No i can't leave her alone i can't-"

"Vic, im her dad i'll stay here, kellin? Will you go with Vic and make sure he gets home safely?" He asked

"Sure Hime" Kellin said

Kellin then helped me up but before we walked off he turned to Hime.

"Hime, im truly sorry about al-" he started

"Kellin. Don't worry about it. We are now putting the past behind us, for Thorn's sake" Hime said with a small smile and Kellin nodded.

Ronnie (radke's) P.O.V

I saw on the news that Kellins house was on fire and also saw video footage of Thorn running into the burning house.

"Dude, we should go to the hospital and see how they are" Ryan (Seaman) said from behind me

"Yeah course" i said still in awe of the news

Ryan drove to the hospital as he didn't think i should drive because i was in shock. I remember Thorn from the party, she was really nice and great to talk to. I really hoped she is okay.. and Kellin of course.

As we pulled into the hospital car park we saw about 3 other tour buses which i reconised straight away. Of Mice and Men, Bring Me The Horizon and All Time Low. As we got out the car all the others walked up to us.

"Can you believe it?" Alex (Gaskarth) said to me

"No, not at all. Police still don't know how it started" i sighed

"Yeah" he replyed

"Oh look, it's Vic and Kellin" Austin ( Carlile) pointed out

"Obviously" Oli (Sykes) sniggered

"Shut up Oli" Ryan said

"Not the time" Jack (Barakat) pointed out

As Vic and Kellin walked up to us we saw how drained Vic looked and how Kellin still had ashy clothes

"G-guys, where's Thorn" Austin asked

"In there. 3rd degree burns. Smoke" is all Vic could get out before breaking down and crying.

"Im taking him home so he can get some rest" Kellin said while trying to calm him down

"Do you know how the fire started?" Oli asked

"Oh. Um. No. I was uh asleep. Gotta go. Bye" is all Kellin said before walking off with Vic

"Something isn't right" Alex said

"Mhum" we all agreed

Vic's P.O.V


"Yes Vic?" He answered not taking his eyes off the road

"I know-i know you hate me b-but can you stay over t-tonight? Mike and Tony are staying at the hospital and i don't trust myself alone" i asked looking at him

He sighed and looked at me as we pulled into my drive.

"Vic. I could never hate you; i deserve all this" he moved his hands around signaling everything that has happened. "Yes, i'll stay with you, i don't trust you alone either."

I chuckled. The first chuckle i had made in 2days and it came from the person im ment to hate the most.

"Okay Vic, you go upstairs and get into bed. I will be down here if you need me" Kellin said slightly pushing me up the stairs. I shook my head.

"C-can you uh... com-"

"Up with you?" He asked with a small smile. I nodded

Hime's P.O.V

I sat in the waiting room with All time Low, Bring Me the Horizon, Of mice and Men, some of Falling in Reverse and Tony and Mike. It was silent until a doctor came out and there was a quick shuffling.

"Mr. Preciado?" He said.

I stood up and walked over to him. He smiled.

"Your daughter is very lucky to be alive, though she might have a cough for the next few months and sadly has a horrible burn scar down her left shoulder to her wrist" he said looking down at his clip board.

"Sh-she's alive?" I asked. With happy tears in my eyes

He nodded and walked off, not turning back

"G-guys. She is alive. Thorn is alive" i cheered as all the guys hugged and sighed breaths of releaf.

"Can we go and see her?" Tony asked excitedly.

I nodded and walked down the hall to the room she was in. I slowly walked in with the guys not far behind.

"Hey chica" i whispered "you are okay now, don't worry about a thing" i said holding onto her hand.

"We should let the fans know" Mike suggested.

He took a picture of my hand in Thorns and uploaded it to twitter, tagging everyone that was in the room with the caption "guys, after a long, long wait we can now finaly announce that Thorn is okay".

Kellin's P.O.V

As i lay next to Vic i hear my phone go off. Its a twitter notification from Mike

It's a picture of i think Hime's hand in Thorns with the caption. "guys, after a long, long wait we can now finaly announce that Thorn is okay".

"Hey Vic loo-" i started to say but saw that he was asleep and decided not to tell him till tomorrow.

*3 hours later* *kellin*

I have been awake for ages, not being able to sleep because of the constant thought of what has happened between Thorn and I. Like. Why did she save me after what i did to her? What am i going to tell the Police about the fire?... oh well at least as far as sleeping is conserned it will be pretty hard if i keep getting these thoughts..

A/N- Mkay hi guys. If there are any spelling mistakes in this is because i wrote it while in the car and im too lazy to go over every single word.. BTW do you guys ship Kellic?

Lots If Love
Lolly xx

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