The 4

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Vic's P.O.V

I need to talk to Thorn about that kiss, i think it made her uncomfortable. I walked downstairs and Thorn was sitting in the kitchen, alone. Perfect.

"Hey fluff ball" i said walking up to her.

"Oh hey" she said smiling.

"I need to talk to you about.. the kiss" i said in a hushed tone. All she did was nod as a signal to continue

"Well  it was kind of in the heat of the moment, im really sorry if i made you uncomfortable" all she did was smile.

"Vic its okay i didnt mind it. To be honest i liked it" she said the last bit looking down. i chuckled.

"Oh really you liked it" i questioned lifting up her chin with my finger while smirking.

She had gone bright red by now "yeah, i did" she whiapered again.

At this moment i was looking right into her eyes and i had to, i just lent in and kissed her again with love and passion and as we pulled away she smiled.

"I love you Thorn" i whispered pressing my forehead against hers.

"I love you to" she whispered back smiling.

Suddenly we heard slow clapping from behind us and turned to see mike tony and hime standing there all smiling. Hime wolf whistled which made Thorn blush.

"How much of that did you see" i chuckled rubbing the back of my neck

"From where you looked lovingly into her eyes, slowly went in and kissed her. To the bit where you both admitted your love for eachother" Mike laughed while Hime and Tony mimicked our actions.

Thorn's P.O.V

"You guys are such big children" i sighed walking out the kitchen door.

I heard gasps from behind me and soon enough i was under a pile of fully grown mexicans.

"Oh my god you guys are so fat! Get off" i shouted. Smiling

"Nope not untill you promice that you wont do anything 'stupid' with Vic"

my dad said which made me and Vic both gasp and Tony and Mike laugh their heads off.

"Im serious Thorn, if you and Vic are going to be together you need to be responsable" he was serious. man this is a side to him ive never seen.

"Okay we wont do anything stupid. And by stupid im assuming you mean sexuall" my dad just nodded

"Well i cant promice there wont be anything sexuall between us Hime" Vic said smirking, this made my dad acctually quite mad.

"Vic. Dont you even" warning shots fired

"Ohh noo Hime i cant even keep my hands off her" vic said rubbing his hand up my leg. I was trying to hold in my laughter

"VIC!!" this time my dad shouted and then vic did stop and put his hands up in defence.

"Okay dude calm down i was only playing"

"Yeah with his daughter" Tony blurted out laughing, we all laughed accept my dad.

He just got up and walked upstairs. Me Vic Mike and Tony just looked at eachother.

"Ooohh shiiit ive never seen him that mad" tony said

"Hes just being a good dad i guess" i added. And it went silent.

"Im going to see if he is okay" i broke the silence

"Okay, were going to leave you two alone we'll be in the park if you need us" Mike said while getting his shoes on.

"Okay thanks guys" i smiled and ran upstairs to my dads room.

Hime's P.O.V

I heared Thorn run up stairs and soon enough there was a knock on my badroom door.

"Come in Thorn" i said as she opend the door, half smiling as if she was scared

"H-hey dad" she spoke quietly and that was the first time she has called me dad, i felt my eyes tear up.

"Hey fluff ball" i smiled patting the bed next to me.  As soon as she sat down she gave me a really tight hug.

I chuckled "whats that for" she just looked at me. I sighed

"Look im really sorry for shouting, but you have to remember i am your dad and im just looking out for you. Also Vic is a bit older than you and i dont want you getting hurt, i care for you to much. Like the other day when you had the panic attack i felt like shit because i couldnt help you"

By now i had tears rolling fown my cheeks and so did Thorn. She smiled at me

"Oh you know your special dad and i know i can get easily hurt but dont worry, im a big girl i can do things on my own. By the way i felt like shit after the panic attack because i didnt tell any of you that i get them every now and then"

I didnt know what to say so i just hugged her and whisered.

"I trust you with everything but be careful"

one girl- Vic fuentes love storyWhere stories live. Discover now