The start of the tour. Ch 8

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Thorn's P.O.V

Sitting on the bus with the guys is more fun than i thought.

"Vic what time do you go on" i asked while sitting upside down

"Uhm six" he said checking a piece of paper.

"Im bored can i go see Kellin?" Suddenly all heads turned towards me

"Why do you want to go see him?" Dad asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah why" Vic snapped

"I just want to go see what the others are up to" i shrugged walking out the door

As i was walking towards the SWS bus i felt two hands on my hips and was turned round to have Vic right in my face

"Well shit Vic. Stalker much" i giggled

"Ha sorry. I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to come on stage tonight"

I stood for a bit but nodded. His face lit up

"Thank you darling, dont worry you'll be okay" he smiled and i gave him a quick kiss.

"See you in a bit" i said walking off

He stood there watching me walk away which was weird for him. Was he jealous of Kellin or something. I was taken out of my thoughts by kellin standing in the door way of their bus.

"Hey Thorn, what are you doing here" he asked opening the door more to let me in

"Oh i got bored on my dads bus and i wondered if it was okay to hang with you guys" i smiled sweetly

"Of couse you can, you dont even need to ask" Gabe shouted.

Man i love Gabe, he is like a big brother to me, well apart from Mike and Tony. I feel me and Gabe have a different bond between us.

"Let me guess you want to watch Batman, because the guys wont let you" Kellin asked laughing

I nodded excitedly. He laughed again

"Fine then"

I was sitting there and about 30 minutes into the movie i felt Kellin get closer and closer to me, soon he was propperly cuddling up to me. I didn't mind, but Vic would.

Once the film finished i stood up

"Right guys its 5:15 im going to head back. The guys go on at six"i went round hugging them, Kellin held on for a bit longer than i hoped.

Vic's P.O.V

"Why is she not back yet" Hime shouted.

"Dude, she is there i can see her in the window" Tony said pointing

"Its only 5:15 whats the rush" i asked, already knowing the answer

"I just dont trust Kellin, i dont like the way he looks at her" he shrugged

As Thorn walked in it went silent

"Who did you guys kill?" He laughed

"Kellin" Hime mubbled

She didnt hear luckly.

*5 min before show time*

"Good luck guys. Your gonna do great" Thorn went round encouraging us

"See. This is why i love you" i said pulling her in for a kiss.

"Whoa whoa whoa break it up you to we have a show to do" i heard a familiar voice say from behind. It was kellin

"Oh! I nees to tell you sonethig Kellin" i ran up to him

"What is it short stuff" he laughed

"Your such a twat and after king for a day im getting Thorn up on stage" his face dropped and i heard footsteps behind me. Mike

"What did i tell you Vic, shes gonna freak out maybe pass out" he stepped closer

"No no no its okay. I asked her she said she is fine with it" facing the other two beside me

"THORN!" Kellin shouted

She came quickly running over and everyones face softened

"Are you sure about going up on stage tonight" Mike asked.

She nodded slowly

"Alright guys were on" Tony yelled and Mike and i ran off leaving Kellin and Thorn.

Kellin's P.O.V

I sat with Thorn on the side of the stage listining to PTV play, she loved it and you could see she was a bit fangirly.

"Now this one is called king for a day" i heard Vic say into the mic

"Break a leg" Thorn whispered as i ran on.

The crowd went wild as i walked on i think a girl fainted.

*King for a day is sang*

"thank you so much guys for comming out tonifh, but before you leave there is one person i waould love you to meet. Thorn, you ready"

I looked to the side of the stage where she was and she slowly walked on. I could see her panicing.

"Calm down its okay" i whispered in her ear as she walked past me.

"Guys this is my girlfried Thorn" vic said happily into the mic.

There were lots off cheers and wolf wistles but it went silent and all you heard from near the back was

"I bet she's fucking the whole band, the fucking whore".

Thats when shit went down. Thorn started having a panic attack. I slowly got her to stand up and get off stage.

"You okay" i asked

She shook herhead. "No"

"Now who ever the fuck said that i would like you to know. You are a massive dickhead." I shouted into the mic walking back onto the stage and

i saw Vic lying down on the stage juat doing nothing and Mike looking angry. Hime came over to me

"Thanks Kellin. Shows over we need to leave" so i walked away with Tony and Hime leaving Vic and Mike.

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