wedding plans pt.2 .ch 21

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Thorn's P.O.V

"Thorrrrnnnn, wake up" i heard Mike say as he shook me.

"What do you want?" I growled

"One. Why are you sleeping on the sofa? And two. Were going dress shopping"

I looked around me. And laughed "i don't know why im on the sofa" which was a complete lie

"Well get dressed, we are leaving in an hour" Mike said grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

"Urgh can't i just wear my t-shirt that looks like a tux and a pair of white jeans?" I asked shuffling around trying to get thw blanket off me

"For your wedding?" Mike asked, raising and eye brow. I nodded

"No sweetheart. If im being forced to wear a tux, you are being forced to wear a dress" he chuckled. And i pouted

"Fine" and i stomped upstairs and put on the tux t-shirt and white jeans with a black beanie.

Mike was waiting for me at the bottom or the stairs.

"Did you even brush your hair" he asked smiling as we walked to the car

"No. Thats why im wearing the beanie. Duh" i laughed while getting in the car

As we drove through the streets i remembered that i have to get someone to give me away. Of course my dad. I can ask him when i get back.

*5 minutes later. Cos im lazy*

Mike's P.O.V

When me and Thorn walked into the shop we got some weird looks from the staff there.

"How can i help you?" The lady asked me

"Were here to get tattos" i said sarcasticly and she frowned. Until she saw Thorn

"Im guessing were here for you young lady" she smiled kindly and Thorn nodded.

Suddenly a girl. Older than Thorn, about 24 walked up to Thorn and hugged her.

"I saw the news, im so glad you made it out alive and thanks for saving Kellin" she smiled. Which made Thorn smile at the floor

"Well, i wasn't going to let my god brother die now was i" Thorn chuckled

"C-can i help you find a dress" the girl asked.

"Of course, but it has to be long sleeved" Thorn said frowning

"W-why? If you don't mind me asking" then Thorn took her hoodie off and shiwed the girl her scar and the girl gasped.

"Okay, lets go" the girl said grabbing Thorn's hand.

Thorn's P.O.V

I really like this girl, i found out her name is Jazmine and likes all the bands i do.

I walked out of the changing room wearing a longsleeved backless dress which was tighter at the top and flowed down as it got to the waist.

"Oh my god, sweetheart that one is amazing" Mike said smiling

"You look beautiful Thorn" Jazmine smiled

"R-really? Yoy don't think it makes me look fa-"

"Nope! You look amazing" Mike said

"Uh Jaz?" I asked as i waljed back to the changing room

"Whats up"

"I know we haven't known eachother gor long buut i really like you and, and, and i would like you to be my maid of honour"

She beamed "r-really Thorn?" I nodded and she squeeled

"Yes!" She said hugging me

*39 minutes later*

"Dad, Vic, Tony, were back" i called as i kicked the door shut

"Hey chica, got a nice dress?" My dad asked giving me a hug. I nodded

"And i now have a maid of honour" i smiled

"Thats amazing chica" he smiled back down at me.

"Daddy, can i talk to you for a second?" I asked pulling him into the back garden.

Tony's P.O.V

I saw Thorn pull Hime outside and i knew exactly what she was doing.

"Hey guys come check it out Thorn is going to as Hime to give her away" i called

Soon Vic, Mike and Kellin were standing behind me watching Thorn and Hime talk.

Hime's P.O.V

"D-dad will you g-give me away" she asked quietly but smiling

"Yes chica! Of course i will" i shouted, standing up and hugging her.

"Awww" is all we heard for behind us as we saw the guys watching. Thorn buried her face into ky chest and laughed

"Way to kill the moment guys" i chuckled.

*that night. Vic's P.O.V*

As i lay next to a sleeping Thorn i whisper to myself

"I can't wait to call you Mrs Thorn Elizabeth Fuentes darling" smiling as i said it. Seeing her turn round and snuggle into my side.

I sat for about 20 minutes stroking Thorn's burnt arm thinking.

"Have i forgiven Kellin too quick?"...

A/N- The picture is what Thorn will look like on the day. The hair, make up and dress.

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