I count your heartbeats. ch 22

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Vic's P.O.V

"i am freaking the fuck out man" i said pacing arround the living room

"Don't worry, it will be fine" Mike said patting my shoulder

"Where is Thorn and Hime anyway" asked Tony

"Round Jazmine's house; getting ready." I asnwered

Soon enough Kellin's car pulled up out side and my phone rang..Kellin

"Get in loser were getting married"

is all i heard before i hung up and jogged outside with Mike and Tony behind. As we got in the car Kellun turned to me.

"You nervous?"

I nodded "you know that feeling when you do your first ever gig? Yeah it's like that"

"Don't worry dude you'll be fine" he said as he pulled out my drive

Thorn's P.O.V

"I am not coming out this bathroom till' the wedding is over" i shouted

"Thorn, it will be okay hun" i heard Jaz say from the other side

I sat of the floor and rested my head against the door

"But what if its not Jaz, what if i fuck up"

"Even if you do, no one is going to love you any less chica...come on out i want to see you" dad said calmly

I opened the door slowly revealing my dress to dad and Jaz.

"it's beautiful" Jaz squeeled

"You should wear dresses more often" dad chuckled

"Okay, Hime you do her hair while i do her makeup" Jaz jumped up and put me down into the chair as they both started making me fabulous.

*at the church 30 minutes later* Vic's P.O.V

Standing at the altar waiting for Thorn to come down is reeallly scary. What if i mess up my vowes or i drop the ring. Ah shit what if i forget her name.

"Hey short stuff stop stressing" Ausin said walking down the isle to me

"Is it that obvious?" I chuckled

"Yeah dude, you are standing there talking to yourself" Ronnie laughed as he sat in the front pew.

Soon enough the preist walked in.

"Okay guys, it starts in 10 minutes" he clapped as everyone took their places.

I had Kellin, Tony and Mike as my best men and i know Thorn has Jazmine as he maid of honour. We had all the bands here that we were friends with.


The into to ' I write sins not tragidies' started to play and almost everyone laughed

"Of course she picked that" Tony laughed from behind

Thorn's P.O.V

I heard the into come on and chuckled

"You ready chica?" My dad asked hugging me and i nodded

"Good luck babycakes" Jaz said before going off to walk down the isle

What a beautiful wedding, what a beautiful wedding said a bridesmade to a waitor

This is where i start my life as a married woman. Walking down the isle with my dad next to me and other bands saying things like "beautiful" "fabulous darling" and then....seeing Vic with his hands over his mouth is complete awe. As i walk up to him he whispers "You look beautiful darling"

"Do you Victor Vincent Fuentes, take Thorn Elizabeth as your lawfuly wedded wife?"

"I do" he breathed

"And do you Thorn Elizabeth take Victor Vincent Fuentes as your lawfuly wedded husband?"

"I do" i smiled and looked at him.

"You may now kiss the bride" he said smiling.

Vic's P.O.V

I dipped her and kisses her softly and smiling as i hear Hime say "thats enough Vic"

But then, the two doors at the back of the curch swing open and there stands a woman. She had black hair and blue eyes like Thorn.

"Who are you?" Hime asked as she walked down the isle

Then Thorn gasped "mum" and hugged her as the woman hugged her back

"Mum?" I said

"Yeah, i- i invited her" Thorn said looking at the floor

"How old are you now sweetie," her mum asked

"Well you would know if you had stuck around and looked after her" Tony shouted and she sighed

"I know i did wrong but i promise i have changed let me prove it to you" this was aimed at me

"Fine" i growled.

*later that night*

"Are you sure you want her back in your life darling" i asked as we cuddled in bed

"Yeah, i think so" she smiled at nothing

"Okay. Hey come here" i smiled and pleed her into my lap and softly kissing her and holding her waist lovingly.

"I love you Thorn.. Fuentes" i said and she giggled.

"Get some rest" i whispered as i lay down with her and slowly drifted off to sleep

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