Chapter 13: If Dreams Can't Come True, Then Why Not Pretend

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Dipper's Pov

I tried to walk over to where the statue used to be when I realized that Wirt was still holding me. He must have noticed too because he blushed and quickly let go. I slowly made my way over to the branches and knelt down on the floor to get a better look at them. Before I had any time to react, one of the branches shot out of the ground and tried to grab me. Luckily Wirt pulled me away before anything bad happened. I blushed, noticing that I was once again in his arms, and curiously gazed at the large vines. There were thorns sticking out from the vines and a strange black substance leaking from the bark. "D-Dipper, I think w-we should be getting back to the shack now." I nodded my head but didn't take my eyes off the branches. Why were they covering Bill's statue, why did they look so strange, why did they feel so familiar? 

An idea came to mind, and I took out a small swiss army knife that Stan had given to me for my 14th birthday. I carefully picked up one of the branches and cut a small piece off, putting the tiny vine in my pocket. "Should I be worried about you having a knife in your pocket or that you just cut off a piece of the branch that just tried to kill you?" I know this was probably a bad time but I couldn't help but joke around with Wirt, especially considering how cute his worrying was. "If I told you this was for science would you be less worried?" Wirt smirked and we both stood up. "No, I think I would actually be more worried. The last thing I need is you conducting weird experiments in that creepy lab of yours."I laughed and we started walking out of the forest. "It's technically not my lab, so if something were to happen it technically wouldn't be my fault." We both laughed even more and walked till the shack came into view. Mabel and Greg ran up to us with worried and slightly intrigued looks on their faces. 

"Dipper! What were you thinking about running off like that!? It's the middle of the night and you just ran into the woods! I was worried sick you dumbass!" Mabel calmed down a little and it was Greg's turn to scold us. "Mabel's right. We thought some weirdo monster came and took you! What were you even doing?" He gasped and narrowed his eyes at Wirt. "Were you two burgling turts?" he questioned. Wirt answered no and reassured his brother that we were perfectly fine and not 'burgling turts' whatever that means. "Whatever you two were doing, we're just glad you're okay. Now come on, it's getting cold out here and we still need help cleaning up the shack after tonight's party."

After we finished cleaning and taking down the decorations, Mabel pulled me aside to the other hallway so that we were out of earshot from everyone else. She placed her hands on her hips and looked me up and down. "Judging by the fact that you bolted out of the party and your lips look normal, I'm guessing you didn't just leave so you could make out with Wirt." I blushed till my entire face was bright red and glared at Mabel. "What! Do you really- I can't believe you think- Oh my gosh Mabel!" I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down and faced my twin with a stern look. "No, I didn't just run off to do... that! I can't even believe you would think that I did!" She shrugged and crossed her arms. "Then why did you run off?" 

I tried to think of an answer that Mabel would believe but ultimately decided it would be better to just say everything. "I-I heard Bill. I don't know what he said, but I heard him." Mabel gasped and shook her head, looking slightly frightened. "WHAT! I thought we killed that stupid dorito years ago. How is he back?" "I have a few theories, but I'm not sure. All I know is that he is back and is trying to make a deal with Wirt for unknown reasons. Oh, and I found this by his statue."

I took out the branch and showed it to Mabel who looked incredibly uninterested. "So, it's just a branch. What's so special?" I put the branch back in my pocket and answered her. "It was completely covering his statue, and there was this weird black oil-like substance on it. A-And when I got close, it lunged out and attacked me. I think this is more important than we think." We both thought for a moment then Mabel pounded her fist in her hand and smiled. "Let's ask Ford! He knows everything about weird magic nerd stuff. I'm sure he'll know what your strange branch is about."

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