Chapter 11: Old Friends, New Challenges

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Wirt's Pov

After getting all our stuff settled in the twin's room, Greg, Mabel, Dipper and I decided to hang out in the living room, that is until Stan came down. He was wearing his usual black suit and fez and had a look of greed in his eyes. "Look alive people, the storms finally over but the flood of customers is just beginning! Mabel, I want you on tour duty and the squirt can join you." Mabel and Greg cheered and high-fived at the news of getting to work together. "Dipper, you're on stocking and cleanup duty." Dipper sighed and went to go get the broom, which left just me and Mr. Pines. "You can man the register. Remember, no refunds and no freebies, got it kid?" I nodded and went out into the gift shop. Working at the counter didn't seem too bad and even if it was, I was way too scared of Stan to ask for a different job.

I sat on the stool behind the cash register and propped my head on my elbows, waiting for some customers to come in. Wait, does this mean I have a job now? I chuckled a bit, imagining how Mom would react if she found out I got a summer job, though I doubt Stan will be paying me so it might not count as one.

"Hey, Wirt." I jumped and turned to see Dipper standing on the other side of the counter. "Oh hey Dipper, shouldn't you be working?" He shrugged and smirked, moving to sit on top of the counter. "Got bored so I decided to come and hang out with you. Besides, you couldn't pay me to pick up the random trash that people leave behind." I laughed and matched his smirk with my own. "Wow, are you dodging your responsibilities? I might have to tell Mr. Pines about this." Dipper bit back a giggle while faking a shocked expression. "You little snitch, you wouldn't really do that." "I might if you're going to be playing hooky from work." Dipper rolled his eyes and blushed slightly, gosh he could be so adorable! "It's not like I'm sneaking off or anything. Just think of it as me teaching you how to work the register." I rolled my eyes and reluctantly agreed, secretly happy to be working with Dipper even if it was just us goofing off at the register. That's when it hit me, Dipper and I were alone together. There was no one else but us. At the sudden news, my heart started to speed up and I couldn't control how red my face was. Welp, there goes my previous confidence.

The doors to the Shack opened and a girl around my age walked in. She had long blond hair and blue eyes. She was wearing silver hoop earrings, a yellow and white patterned crop-top, and a light blue mini skirt. She looked pretty familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it. "Hey Paz," Dipper greeted her. The girl frowned and put the phone she was looking at back in the expensive-looking purse she was holding. "It's Pacifica to you." Dipper smirked and hopped off the counter. "Oh, so only Mabel gets to call you Paz?" Pacifica blushed and waved away Dipper's question. "None of your business. Speaking of which, where is Mabel?" "She's leading tours in the back," Dipper answered while pointing to the other part of the shack. Pacifica thanked him and quickly walked away and into the 'attractions' room. "Who was that?" I asked. "Pacifica Northwest, she used to be the richest person in Gravity Falls and a self-absorbed jerk, but she's pretty cool now and is one of Mabel's best friends. Though I think she's still rather annoying." "She looked pretty familiar," I told Dipper. He thought for a bit and then answered, "she works at the diner we took you and Greg to." Oh, so that's why I recognized her.

More tourists started walking in, going on tours, or just looking at the different merchandise. Stan must be doing something right if he can trick all these people to come here. The store started to get a little crowded and I was beginning to feel dizzy. I don't know what was going on, but I couldn't stand being around this many people, which was really strange. As more people entered, my vision started to get foggy and lights were appearing around some of the kids in the shop. So many young souls, just right for devouring. My eyes widened as the Beast voice played in my head. My head was beginning to hurt just like it did in the lab. Oh shit, what if I lose it again. I can't let all these people get hurt. My eyes were stinging and I could tell, even without a mirror, that they were probably starting to glow. Before anything else could happen, I rushed out of the gift shop and into the upstairs bathroom.

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