Chapter 1: Introductions part 1

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Wirt's POV

The wind howls, carrying messages from a time forgotten.

It blows through the maple leaves, showing us our past.

Like lightning, it strikes, bright and fast

Trying to make us remembe-

"Hey, Wirt look at this!" I stop reciting poetry in my head and look down at my half-brother Greg. In his hand was a pamphlet for the town of Gravity Falls. "Did you know that there is a legendary monster in the lake? Do you think we could see it!?" Greg eagerly bounced up and down, waking up the frog in his lap. I smiled at his enthusiasm and affectionately ruffled his hair. "I don't know about seeing a lake monster, but I will be happy when we finally get out of this car." Greg giggled and went back to reading his pamphlet while I looked outside the window.

My parents thought it would be a good idea for us all to go to Gravity Falls, Oregon for the summer. I only agreed because it seemed like a good way to forget about everything that has happened to me so far. Almost drowning, going to the Unknown, confessing to my crush Sara, then having to move away from my friends in New Jersey to California. Maybe something good will finally happen to me here.

"Wirt! Wirt! Look we're here!" Greg cheered, pointing to a sign that read 'Welcome To Gravity Falls'. We continued driving down the road and I kept looking out at the wood till a building caught my eye. It was a pretty big cabin looking building with a bunch of people and buses surrounding it. "Hey, I read about this place. It's called the Mystery Shack and has a bunch of cool magical stuff inside. Can we pleeeeease go inside Mom!?" Greg begged and my mother sighed shook her head. "Sorry Greg, but we have to get to the hotel before we miss the check-in time." Greg sighed and turned to me giving me puppy eyes. Geez, I hate it when he does that. I quietly groaned and then said, "how about I take him inside?" My mom gave me a surprised look but smiled. "You sure you want to Wirt?" "Yeah sure, why not." My mom stopped the car and Greg and I got out. "You two be safe we'll be back in a little bit. Here's $20 to get yourself something." My mom quickly kissed us on the head then got back in the car and drove off. I took Greg's hand and we walked inside.

The first thing I noticed was how absolutely fake this entire place was. All the 'attractions' were completely artificial, and the only real mystery was why anyone even came here. Not to mention how overpriced everything was. Of course, Greg didn't care, he was too busy oohing and ahhing at everything to notice. An old man wearing a suit and fez came out and cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "Ladies and gentlemen, I will now be giving tours for 10 no 20 dollars!" A bunch of people, including me and Greg, crowded around the man. Once he collected everyone's money, he motioned for us all to follow him into another room. "Here we have the legendary 'Sascrotch'!" He gestured to a fake bigfoot wearing underwear and everyone started laughing and taking pictures. This continued as we saw more 'supernatural creatures'. The man, who I found out was named Mr. Pines, stopped in front of something else and everyone crowded around. "Feast upon the teenage wolf boy! Part werewolf, part teenager. If you throw money at him, he dances." People started throwing money, but neither I nor Greg could see it. People started dispersing and walking to the next display, but I stayed and looked at the creature, which apparently wasn't a creature, but a boy.

He had curly chestnut brown hair, light brown eyes, and light peach skin. He was actually pretty cute. The boy looked over at me and I blushed, realizing that I had been staring. "Um I-I'm sorry I don't ha-have any money." Did I seriously just say that!? I should've just stayed quiet and walked away. The boy just smiled and said, "it's ok. I didn't really feel like dancing anymore anyway." I don't know why but I let out a small laugh and so did the boy. I was going to say something when Greg ran up to me. Well shit.

"Hey Wirt, this place is awesome! There's a sack of mystery, an invisible man, and even-" Greg looked over at the boy and his eyes went wide with excitement. "OH MY GOSH, A REAL WOLF BOY!!!" Greg started asking a bunch of questions and I groaned. "Greg please, we don't want to bother him." "Oh it-it's really no bother at all," the boy said. " See Wirt, now where was I?" Greg was getting ready to ask another question when Mr. Pines started talking about a unicorn made of corn, which immediately caught Greg's attention. Greg ran off with the rest of the tour and I sighed. "I um guess I'll see you another time," I said waving to the boy. "Um yeah, see you around." He smiled and I blushed and quickly went to get Greg. Maybe this summer wouldn't be so bad.

After a few more minutes, the tour finally finished, and Greg and I waited for our parents in the gift shop. "Wirt look!" Greg tugged at my sweater and I swatted his hand away. "What is it Greg?" Greg held up a red fez similar to the one Mr. Pines was wearing. "It'll be a surprise gift for Jason Funderburker!" Before I could remind Greg that we didn't have any more money he ran over to the cash register. The person working there was a girl around my age with long brown hair and light brown eyes. She looked a lot like the boy in the other room. She was wearing a pink crop top with a shooting star on it and a purple skirt. There was a sweater wrapped around her waist and star-shaped earrings on her ear. Greg gave her the hat and she scanned it. "That'll be $6.18," Greg looked at me and I facepalmed. "Greg we spent all our money on the tour." Greg pouted and I went to take his hand when the girl handed the fez back and smiled. "Here you go kid, it's on the house. That's the Mabel difference!" I smiled and thanked her and the girl just winked. "It's no problem. Say I haven't seen you two around before, what's your name?" I was getting ready to say something when Greg interrupted. "I'm Greg and that's my older brother Wirt. I also have a pet frog named Jason Funderburker, that's who the hat is for." "Well my name is Mabel and I happen to have a pet pig named Waddles. Now, what brings you two to Gravity Falls." "Oh we're here for vacation," I answered. Mabel smiled showing the braces on her teeth. "Same here! Me and my brother have been coming here since we were 12. If you want I could give you two a tour." Greg immediately agreed and I nodded and smiled. "Great! I guess I'll see you two tomorrow!" We waved goodbye to Mabel and went outside to wait for our parents.

Pretty good first day of summer.

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