Chapter 8: Realization

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Dipper's Pov

"Damnit Ford, you seriously need to organize your shit!" I sorted through more of Ford's notes, trying to find the ones on dream analysis when I heard footsteps coming from the gift shop. I exited the room and saw Wirt closing the vending machine behind him. I smiled and waved to him when I noticed something wrong. He looked really worried like something went wrong. I swear if Ford almost killed him.

"Hey Wirt, everything alright?" He jumped back and then smiled, "Yeah everything's fine." He walked into the living room and I looked from him to the vending machine. Something happened down there, but what? Only one way to find out. I made my way down to Great-uncle Ford's lab where I found him trying to clean up a bunch of large vines. I surveyed the room to see that there were vines everywhere. What the hell happened down here? "Hey, Great-uncle Ford, what happened down here?" He paused for a moment then smiled and went back to cleaning up the vines. "Just a little experiment gone wrong. Nothing to worry about." I should have believed him, I mean he sets himself on fire on a daily basis, but I had a feeling he was hiding something. "So, nothing went wrong with the machine?"

Ford crossed his arms and scowled, "I can handle a simple thought encryption, nothing went wrong. Now shouldn't you be upstairs with your boyfriend?" I blushed and looked away from Ford's stupid smug grin. "W-we're not dating," I quickly corrected. He didn't seem entirely convinced but luckily didn't ask any more questions. I touched one of the vines and quickly moved my hand. One of the damn thorns pricked me! My attention shifted over to the screen which was completely black and was wrapped in vines. "So..., did you ever find out what Bill wants?" Ford shook his head and frowned, "couldn't find anything." 

That doesn't make any sense. Bill wouldn't have tried to make a deal with Wirt unless he wanted something. What about the storm? Of course, the storm! "Great-uncle Ford, what about the storm!" He raised a brow as if he didn't know what I was talking about. Oh right, he's been in his lab the past few days, he wouldn't have seen the storm. Nevertheless, I presented my theory. "Okay, so yesterday a storm came out of nowhere. And it was, like super crazy, way worse than a normal one. Not only that but the lightning was golden-yellow, which is super weird. Anyway, what if Bill's appearance has to do with the storm?" Ford processed my theory and then grabbed a book from the shelf. "You know you might be onto something, Dipper. Weather anomalies have been known to foresee events in the future. I will have to run some tests though."

I grinned, proud of my theory. I knew there was something off about the storm, and even Ford agreed. Maybe he'll let me help run the tests, and he'll take me out in the field to do research! "You know, I could help you with the tests. I've been doing research on strange weather patterns and-" Ford dismissed my offer with a wave of his hand, "no need, I can handle this myself." My pride quickly deflated however I kept trying to convince Ford to let me go. "For the last time, it is much too dangerous to take you out in this storm. Just stay here, I'll handle it." "But I-" "No buts, I don't want you getting hurt. Now run along, I believe your sister is calling you."

Accepting my defeat, I went upstairs and into the gift shop. "Bro-bro where have you been!? I haven't seen you all morning!" I pushed Mabel away and peeked back at the vending machine. "I was just helping Ford with something." Mabel quickly sensed my disappointment and poked my cheeks, forcing me to smile. "Well, guess that means you're stuck hanging out with us!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me into the living room, plopping me on the couch right next to Wirt. He changed back into his sweater from yesterday. He looks so cute- no no no. Get ahold of yourself Pines. "Earth to Dipper!" I blinked back into reality and looked over to Mabel. "Yes?" She rolled her eyes and poked my forehead, "Were you listening to anything I said?" she asked. I thought about lying, but unfortunately, Mabel would call me out which meant I was only left with one option: admitting defeat and telling the truth. "No, sorry. I was thinking about something." "More like someone," Mabel mumbled under her breath. I glared at her but she ignored it. "Anyway, while you were off in dream-land, I was telling Wirt and Greg about some of our favorite hobbies, like knitting and karaoke." I raised a brow and crossed my arms, "those are your favorite hobbies," I pointed out. 

Mabel was about to retort when Grunkle Stan came downstairs. "What the hell, why aren't you two working!?" He looked over at Wirt and Greg and pointed his cane at them, "and who are these two?" "Oh I'm W-Wirt and this is my younger brother Greg, sir. My apologies f-for inconveniencing you b-but there was a storm s-so-" ''So they're staying with us for the time being." Mabel quickly interrupted. Stan rolled his eyes and pointed his cane back at me and Mabel. "Well, that's no excuse to not be working." Mabel pouted and pointed outside. "Grunkle Stan, it's all gross outside and the roads are blocked off. There are no customers, can't we just chill." Grunkle Stan's gaze shifted over to the window and he scoffed, "please that's barely a storm, now get to work. And as for you two-" he looked over to Wirt and Greg with a devious grin, "since you're staying here, you can help them. Now get to work before I get the broom." We all quickly left and went into the gift shop while Grunkle Stan went on about almost missing his show.

"So what do you guys want to do now?" I asked. "Broom race!" Mabel and Greg cheered. They ran off to find some brooms once again leaving me and Wirt alone. I'm starting to sense a pattern here. I turned my attention to the storm and then to Wirt. "Pretty crazy storm right." "Yeah, but it's also kind of pretty. The raindrops trickle down like the sand from an hourglass. They come together to create beautiful crystal clear portraits. Illuminated by the flash of the lighting, they glow like stars in the night sky." Wirt covered his mouth and turned a deep shade of pink. "Oh wow, I can't believe I just said that. Sorry that was ugh, really embarrassing." I laughed and shook my head. "Wirt that wasn't embarrassing, it was actually really good. I didn't know you liked poetry." "I do but, it's not something that people want to hear me talk about." "I want to hear about it." Wirt looked over at me and I blushed. I can't believe I just said that, what the hell is with me today!? We both turned away from each other and sat in awkward silence.

"S-so what else do you like to do?" I asked. Wirt shrugged and started listing stuff, "Well I like interior design, poetry but you already know about that, reading, playing the clarinet. Geez, I just realized how weird that all sounded." I rolled my eyes and grinned, "may I remind you that I study monsters for fun. People either think I'm joking or insane, so interior design and poetry don't sound that weird. And you can play the clarinet which is pretty awesome in my opinion." Wirt chuckled and flushed, which was really adorable, and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "It's not really that cool but thanks. What about you though, do you play any instruments?" I smirked and puffed out my chest. "Well I don't mean to brag but I am basically a pro at the sousaphone." We both started laughing when Mabel and Greg came back into the room.

"Um Wirt, I don't really feel good. In fact, I think I might- BLEGH!" Greg sprayed Wirt with silly string causing all of us to laugh. "Ugh Dipper, watch out I'm going to- BLEGH!" Mabel pulled out two cans of silly string and sprayed them directly at me. Wirt and I kept laughing as Mabel and Greg sprayed us with more silly string. "Hey what's going on in here!?" Grunkle Stan came in and frowned at the mess we were making. "Hey, I don't pay you to goof off." "You don't pay us at all," I pointed out. Grunkle Stan thought for a moment then smiled. "Touche. Now clean all this up and get that damn string out of your hair." "Yes sir Grunkle sir." Stan rolled his eyes and then went back into the living room. "C'mon Dip let's go get this stuff out of our hair."

Mabel and I went up to our room and she started brushing the string out of her hair. "You know, you and Wirt were getting pretty close downstairs." "Mabel can we not do this right now," I complained. Mabel giggled and started poking me, "C'mon bro-bro just admit you like him." "I don't! I just think he's smart and funny, and really sweet, and his smile is so adorable, and he's really cute and-" My face went completely red and Mabel started squealing like a pig. "O-okay so maybe I have a small crush on him." She started doing her stupid 'I was right' dance and started shaking me. "I knew it! Don't worry bro-bro I am going to be the best matchmaker and will get you and Wirt together if it's the last thing I do!" Before I could stop her, she ran downstairs like a little kid on Christmas. I sighed and started picking the bits of string out of my hair.

I have a crush on Wirt. I groaned as the realization hit me. You've got to be fucking kidding me!

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