Chapter 6: A Different Form, A Different Time

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Wirt's Pov

"Night Wirt, night Greg." "Night you two." I watched as the twins went upstairs then looked over to my sleepy brother Greg. "Do you think we can watch another movie?" Greg asked me. I shook my head and put a blanket over him. "No Greg, it's bedtime." He pouted and puffed his chest out, "I don't need a bedtime. I'm no-*yawn* not even tired." He slowly blinked his eyes and yawned again. I ruffled his hair and started humming. It was an old song on the clarinet that I used to play for Greg when he was firstborn. Back then, I would have done anything to get him to shut up, so when I found out he liked when I played the clarinet, I would play it anytime he wouldn't go to sleep or would cry. And just like back then, he fell right asleep. "Night Greg," I said while ruffling his hair.

Since I was still awake, I decided to look around the room. The TV was still on, Jason Funderburker was asleep in Greg's lap, Dipper's hat was on the flo- Wait Dipper's hat! I reached over to pick it up while trying not to wake up Greg. Once I had it in my hands, I dusted the hat off and inspected it. It was pretty normal, slightly banged up and there were quite a few scratches. What was really interesting was the smell: pine trees. The second I smelt the pine, I instantly thought of Dipper. His soft perfectly curled hair, his cute smile, those beautiful caramel-brown eyes.

I sighed and put the hat on the arm of the chair. These thoughts were so confusing. I had only known Dipper for a few days, but I couldn't stop thinking about him. Why don't you write about it? A lightbulb went off in my head and I took out a small notebook from my back pocket. It was a poetry book that my dad gave me when I was 12. Whenever I couldn't organize my thoughts, I would write about it. Hopefully, it could help me figure out my feelings for Dipper, so I started writing.

Everything that I ever thought I knew

Is immediately forgotten when I look at you.

You flash me a simple smile

And it makes my mind go wild.

Your laugh, a sweet symphony

And I just want to keep you company.

Your eyes, deep as the ocean blue,

When I look at them I can't help but fall for you

My constellation, you spin me round and round

I get lost in your eyes and don't ever want to be found.

After a few minutes of mindless writing, I looked at what I wrote and blushed. These words, this poem, there was no doubt about it. I had a crush on Dipper Pines. (Yeah no shit Sherlock)

My entire world crumbled around me. I couldn't like Dipper Pines, but I did and I can't avoid it now. What if he finds out!? What if he sees the poem? He would never feel the same. He would think I'm crazy or gross. He'll want to stop being friends! I took a deep breath and ripped the piece of paper out of the notebook, then I folded the poem and put it in my pocket. It would be safer to keep it with me at all times than putting it in the trash and risk Dipper finding it. Now that that was taken care of, I rested my head on the arm of the chair and tried to go to sleep, which was easier said than done. After a few minutes though, I finally fell asleep.

*There was nothing. I looked around but all I could see was white for miles. It was like I was in the void. "Um, h-hello!" I called out. All of a sudden there was a burst of yellow light and the sound of maniacal laughter. I turned around and was face to face with a man?

He looked like he was in his twenties. His hair was yellow and slowly faded into black. He was wearing a yellow and black suit with a brick pattern at the bottom and a long yellow tailcoat. His hands were covered by black gloves, and there was a top hat floating above his head. But the weirdest thing about him was his eyes or eye. I could only see one eye, the other was covered by a black triangular shaped eyepatch. The one that wasn't covered was yellow with a black slit for a pupil. Creepy.

"WOOHOO! I'M BACK!" The man soared into the sky like a rocket and did a somersault in the air. He landed in front of me with a large cheshire cat grin on his face. "YES! YES! YES! I HAVE BEEN DYING TO MEET YOU!" I gulped and he laughed. "Relax Wirt, I don't bite." "Wait how do you know my name?" His grin widened and his eye started glowing. "Oh, I know lots of things. Lots of things," he repeated in a demonic voice. I shuddered and took a step back. "Um, o-ok. Well, wh-where are we?" He rolled his eye and frowned. "We're in the dreamscape duh. Geez did pinetree teach you anything?" Pinetree, who the hell was that. "Wh-who's pinetree?" I questioned.

The man smirked and snapped his fingers. A blue and white cap with a pine tree symbol appeared in his hands. Wait that's... "that's Dipper's hat! Why do you have it!?" "Calm your shit kid. I'm not going to mess with your boyfriend's hat." I blushed and started stammering. "Um, Dip-Dipper's not my... we're just... we're not dating," I finally managed to say. The man burst out laughing and tossed Dipper's hat, which I quickly went to catch. He took a deep breath and smiled. "Whoo, I haven't laughed like that in years! But enough about your very obvious love for pinetree, we have business to attend to!"

He clapped his hands and I was lifted onto a chair that appeared out of nowhere. "Now Wirt, I've noticed that you've been having some pretty bad nightmares." My eyes widened and I gasped. How did he know about my nightmares? "I'm a dream demon. It's my job to know," he answered. "Wait, did you just read my mind!?" "We're getting off track. The point is I can help you, just hear me out." I hesitated then nodded and he continued. 

"Your nightmares are being caused by the Beast. When you left the unknown he left his mark on you, claiming your soul as his own. Sooner or later, you won't be able to fight off his influence and, well let's say shit's gonna go down." I gulped at the demon's words. 'We are both one with the trees', is that what he meant? "S-so I'm going t-to turn into an edelwood tree?" The man shook his head and smiled. "Oh no no no. Your fate will be much much worse! But it can all be avoided if you take my deal." I raised an eyebrow and leaned closer, "what's the deal?" I asked. He smirked and walked over to me. "It's simple really. You shake my hand and all your scary little nightmares disappear. Then you'll have more time to flirt with pinetree." I blushed and tried to ignore his last sentence. "Well okay, but what's in it for you?" He let out a boisterous laugh and slapped my back. "Oh Wirt, you've managed to get me to laugh twice in one dream! Now, concerning my end of the deal, I just want to get rid of your problems." I frowned and glared at him suspiciously. That couldn't be it, there was no way it's that easy. "Oh, but it is that easy!" "Please stop with the mind-reading," I begged. He shrugged and then looked at an imaginary watch.

"Listen kid you're about to wake up so I don't have much time. Do you want to shake my hand or not?" I looked at his hand, which was currently on fire, then back at him. Why was I hesitating? It was really simple. Shake his hand and you won't have to be bothered by the Beast anymore. But, there was something... off about this guy, something really messed up. "I um don't think I will be taking this deal," I said. His eye changed red and the flame on his hand went from blue to red. "YOU WHAT!" I gulped and leaned back, trying to back away from the demon's sudden rage. "I ju-just need more ti-time. Yeah, that's it. I need time to think about it, b-but I will get back to you." His eye went back to normal and he smiled. "Well when you're ready to make a deal, just call for your friendly neighborhood demon, Bill Cipher!" He snapped and everything went black.*

I burst awake and looked around. I was in the Mystery Shack, it was just a dream. I took a deep breath when I noticed something had changed. Dipper's hat was on my lap, but that wasn't the weird thing. On the bill of the hat was a sticky note that read: Your time is running out. Better take my deal.-Bill Cipher. I flipped the note around and saw a doodle of a turkey on the back. Man, that guy was weird.

Yay everyone's chaos-loving Dorito demon is back! Wirt finally admits his feeling for Dipper and it only took what, 6 chapters? (Trust me it will take even longer for him to make a move) Picture is from Tumblr (don't know who the artist is) and I hope you enjoyed!

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