Chapter 32: Good To Be Back

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Wirt's Pov:

Sounds of murmuring and footsteps drifted in and out and I stirred a little, trying to figure out where I was. "I sa- he goin- oka-" "Stay cal- he'll b- fine." "Wir- can yo- me?" I was starting to come to my senses and I was able to catch small bits of a conversation. "Wi- honey can yo- me? Plea- be oka-." Whoever was talking sounded really distressed. They started speaking to someone else. Using most of my strength I opened my eyes and tried to see what was happening.

Things were blurry at first but I managed to make out a monitor of some sorts and a few people. One of which was the woman who was frantically speaking before. After a lot of squinting, I realized that it was... "M-mom?"

My mom turned around and her eyes went wide, a smile spreading across her face. "Wirt! Oh thank god you're okay!" She rushed forward and hugged me and I laughed and returned the embrace. Another pair of arms joined in and I looked down to find Greg snuggled under my arm. I smiled and lifted him into my lap, hugging him tightly as if I was going to lose him. "You're back. You're really back." I chuckled and pet his hair, a little confused. "Of course I'm back, I wasn't gone that long." Then again maybe it's been longer here than in the Unknown, you can never be sure when it came to time. 

My mom looked a little confused but brushed it off. "Wirt, you had us worried sick! I really hope falling into lakes isn't going to become a habit, or I might have to make you wear a life jacket whenever you leave the house." I was confused by what she said but one wink from Greg told me that they used 'falling in a lake' as an excuse to explain why I was in a hospital. Good thing too, if I told them the truth, my parents would think that hypothermia wasn't the only thing I was suffering from.

The door opened and a doctor came in. "Mr. Smith, there are some visitors for y-" Before they could finish, Mabel ran into the room, decked out in a 'get better soon' sweater. She grinned and ran forward, tackling me in a hug. Greg, my parents, and I all laughed but the doctor definitely wasn't pleased with her. "Ms. Pines! I don't care how many times you and your reckless family have been here, you will not tackle my patients!" Mabel just flashed them a smile and said, "aye aye Captain Dr. Alex!" Dr. Alex just huffed and asked to talk to my parents, then all three of them left the room. "Don't worry, they love me," Mabel said in a whisper to me.

I laughed, happy to see her again, and hugged the always cheerful teen. "Ooh ooh, I want to join the hug!" Greg squeezed in between us, joining the group hug. Two other people entered and I looked up to see Ford and Stan standing in the doorway, both of them smiling my way. "Good to see you're not dead, kid." "Stanley!" Ford admonished, punching his brother in the arm. Stan just rolled his eyes and punched him back. "What, I'm glad the kid's still kickin it. Jeez, Dipper's been such a wreck, seeing the beanpole will finally get him out of his slump."

My face fell when Stan mentioned Dipper being upset. What if he doesn't want to see me because of all the stress I've put him under? I've been so focused on trying to get back home, I didn't even consider if he wanted me back in the first place. He wasn't even here now, what if he doesn't come at all?

Stan and Ford left because my parents had asked to talk to them. I hope they aren't in any trouble because of me. Though my heart still ached to see the beautiful constellation that was Dipper, I pushed it down and asked Mabel what had happened while I was out. Apparently, I was unconscious for 4 days which was more than I expected since I was only in the Unknown for 2. Everyone had told my parents that I had only been unconscious for a few hours due to the 'lake accident'. Not only that, but Dipper managed to end Bill forever, and the town went back to normal.

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