Chapter 2: Introductions part 2

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Dippers Pov

"Dipper hurry up, I can already see the bus coming!" My sister, Mabel, shouted from downstairs. "I'll be right down!" I yelled back. I surveyed the room until my eyes landed on a slightly beaten up blue and white hat. I smiled and quickly grabbed my hat off the dresser and placed it on my head. "There now I just need my books," I thought out loud as I grabbed three maroon-colored journals from the bookshelf. I put them in my backpack, grabbed my suitcase, and then headed downstairs where Mabel was waiting for me. We quickly said goodbye to our parents and then walked outside where. "I can't wait to see everyone! Wendy, Candy, Grenda, Pacifica, Grunkle Ford, Grunkle Stan. Oooh, Waddles can you say 'Grunkle'?" Mabel's pet pig oinked and she excitedly squealed and hugged him. "What about you bro-bro, who are you most excited to see?" I turned to her and shrugged, "Probably Great-uncle Ford. There must have been so many amazing supernatural creatures he discovered while at sea."

Mabel rolled her eyes and smirked at my excitement. "Sounds great Dip n dot, just remember not to get too caught up in your research." I nodded and we both watched as the bus pulled up in front of our house. The driver looked at us and the Waddles and sighed. "Look kids, I'm afraid you can't bring an animal on the bus." Mabel pouted and gave the driver puppy eyes while holding Waddles. "C'mon are you going to say no to this cute face?" Mable squished Waddle's cheeks and the pig oinked happily. The driver groaned, obviously getting annoyed, and once again told Mabel no. 

I sighed and took out $50 and handed it to the driver. "Here this should pay for me, my sister, and her pig." He excitedly took the money then acted as if nothing happened and motioned to our seat. "Thanks a lot, bro-bro," Mabel whispered, heading to her seat. I sat down at the window seat and pulled out Journal 1. "You know Dipper, I've been thinking." That's never good I thought to myself. "When are you going to have your own summer romance?" I rolled my eyes and kept reading, "Mabel, please I am not interested in a 'summer romance." "But Dipper, just imagine it. You're in a library and you're reaching for a book when a tall dashing stranger reaches for the same one. Bing bang boom! You just found your perfect girl or guy." I sighed and continued reading the journal. I had only recently figured out that I like both guys and girls, and all my past crushes always ended horribly wrong. Besides, this summer I was devoted to helping Great-uncle Ford with his research and I couldn't let some stupid romance distract me. Of course, Mabel didn't drop it and kept thinking up random cliche romance scenarios. "I think you have been watching too many rom-com movies." I deadpanned, but as usual, Mabel ignored me and continued.

After a few more hours we finally made it into the town of Gravity Falls. The bus pulled over and we quickly hopped off only to be bombarded by a large group of people. Mabel and I laughed as we were hugged by all our friends and family. Once they were done I got a look at everyone there. There was Candy and Grenda, Pacifica, Soos and Melody, Wendy, Grunkle Stan, and Great-uncle Ford. We all walked back to the shack, while Grunkle Stan updated us on what's been going on. Apparently, Soos and Melody are getting married and Stan is temporarily running the shack. Mcgucket still lives in Northwest Manor, so Pacifica and her parents now live in a small house in town. I watched Pacifica blush when Mable hugged and congratulated her on her new job, and smirked. Looks like someone's got a crush, I thought to myself and chuckled.

Our friends started heading home, leaving me, Mable, and our grunkles. Mabel and I headed upstairs to the attic and started unpacking our stuff. "Hey Dipper look, my emergency candy stash is still here," she said holding up an old bag filled with leftover pieces of Summerween candy. I laughed and held my nose, "Mabel! That stuff is like three years old. Why do you still have it?" She shrugged and popped a piece of candy in her mouth, "It's still good." I rolled my eyes and laid down on my bed, looking up at the ceiling. I really did miss this place.

                                                                           ~~Time Skip~~

"Nope. No. Nadda. There is no way in hell I am wearing THAT!" I pointed to the old wolf costume that Grunkle Stan had in his hand. Coulda swore that Mabel shredded that thing. "Aww, but come on kid. The 6:30 tour bus is on its way and I need a special attraction." He pushed the costume towards me and I pushed it away. "Sorry but I'm not doing it. The costume is demeaning." Stan groaned and before I knew it, I was shoved into the bathroom with the costume in hand. "You either stay locked in the bathroom or you put the damn costume on!" Grunkle Stan yelled from the other side of the door. I grumbled and begrudgingly put the stupid costume on. "There's my favorite 'wolf' now go downstairs and make me money." I rolled my eyes and made my way to the attractions room of the shack.

I sighed listening to Stan go on about the 'Sascrotch' and looked over to the large group of tourists that had gathered around. Just fucking great. Stan started walking over and smirked at me. I glared and quickly stuck my tongue out at him. "Feast upon the teenage wolf boy! Part werewolf, part teenager. If you throw money at him, he dances." The crowd cheered and started pelting me with loose change. I did a small dance hoping that my humiliation would end, but instead, it got worse. Stan led the tourists to another attraction and I relaxed a bit more because the embarrassment was over. That's until I noticed him. Dark slightly messy brown hair, blackish-brown eyes, slightly tan colored skin, relatively tall, with thin pink lips. Damn this guy was cute. 

"Um I-I'm sorry I don't ha-have any money." The boy said nervously. How dorky and slightly adorable. "It's ok. I didn't feel like dancing anymore anyway." He smiled and laughed a bit and I found myself chuckling along with him. I wanted to talk with him a bit more, but then a little boy around 8 or 9 ran up to the teen. "Hey Wirt, this place is awesome! There's a sack of mystery, an invisible man, and even-OH MY GOSH, A REAL WOLF BOY!!!" The kid started to ask me an overwhelming amount of questions when the other boy, I think the kid called him Wirt, interrupted him. "Greg please, we don't want to bother him." The little boy pouted, so I smiled and said, "Oh it-it's really no bother at all." He smiled and continued asking questions when Grunkle Stan started talking about the 'Cornicorn'. The boy quickly ran off to join the tour and the other one just watched him and sighed. He turned to me, smiled, and said, "I um guess I'll see you another time," "Um yeah, see you around." We both waved to each and I watched him walk away.

That went surprisingly well

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