Chapter 31: The Final Fight

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(Gore Warning. Like I had too much fun with the gore)

Dipper's Pov

"Well well well, what a lovely SURPRISE!" I jumped at Bill's voice and looked around, trying to find the twisted demon. But I couldn't see anything. Even the door was gone, everything was complete darkness. Then the floor lit up, creating a pathway through the fearamid. Not knowing what to do, I took my chances and followed the light.

As I walked deeper into the castle, the stench of blood started getting unbearable. I covered my nose and gagged, the gross iron taste of blood staining my mouth. That's when I saw it. The source of that horrible smell.

Littered on the floor and stacked up in piles were the lifeless bodies of Bill's henchmaniacs. But it wasn't just them. There was a decomposing unicorn body, the corpse of a manotaur tangled in edelwood branches, dead gnomes rotting in the corner. I covered my mouth in shock and shook my head in disbelief. All these creatures, innocent or not, they didn't deserve this. They shouldn't have died like this. All their blood, their life, spilled onto the floor. It was disgusting.

I started walking backward, closing my eyes to shield myself from the bodies, trying to block out the smell, when my foot brushed against something. I froze when coming in contact with the slimy thing, then turned to find a bleeding heart at my feet. I screamed and fell back, staring at the organ with wide eyes. Wh-what? Why d- who? D-did Bill r-really do all of this? "Oh yes, all of this was ME! My tummy was making the rumblies that only SOULS could satisfy. Sigh, it's too bad though, I've had this real bad craving that even the soul of a unicorn can't stop. You want to know what I've been DYING TO TRY!?"

Edelwood branches snaked around my hands and torso, keeping tied to the ground. I struggled against the vines, trying to break free, but all that did was cut me even more. I paused, trying to catch my breath. If only I had a knife on me, I thought. That's when I remembered something and I reached into my pocket, pulling out a small lighter. I flicked it on and in an instant, all the branches wrapped around me shriveled up and died, letting out a shrill screech.

I stood up, lighter still in hand, and searched the fearamid for any sign of Bill. "I-I know you're there. So sh-show yourself, you coward!" Bill started chuckling again till he was manically laughing, sending waves of pain into my head. "Oh silly Pinetree, I've been here the WHOLE TIME!" Blood and oil dripped down from the ceiling and I slowly looked up to see a creature made of nightmares grinning back down at me.

Before I could react it jumped down and I flew backward, banging my head on the floor. I bit my lip to contain my pain and rubbed my head, trying to ease the pain. "You humans are all the same, pitiful little RAGDOLLS." Something grabbed me by the collar and I came face to face with the most disgusting, frightening, nightmarish form I had ever seen Bill in.

I thought his nightmare triangle was bad but this could traumatize a god. His veins were looking more like cracks going across his face. They oozed black oil that stained his skin. Blood was pouring out from under his eyepatch while the uncovered eye kept switching from its usual gold to a swirl of colors. The black claws on his hands and the fur cloak he was wearing were coated in crimson red blood. A chunk of his stomach was ripped out, revealing branches that wrapped around his ribs and guts. Bill looked like he was falling apart.

"L-look what you've done to yourself! Was this worth it!? You're u-unstable, you'll die like thi-" "SHUT UP! I'M THE ONE IN CONTROL, NOT YOU!" Bill screamed, his eye flashing red while flames rose behind him. The flames died down as quickly as they appeared and Bill fell to the floor, dropping me in the process. I backed away and watched as the demon hunched over and coughed up blood and oil into his hands. He growled and reached out for the bleeding heart then picked it up and bit into it. I watched in terror as he drained the blood from the heart, Bill's entire body beginning to glow yellow.

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