Chapter 16: A Visit From A Matchmaker

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(If you actually listened to my rant a few chapters back, you'll know who makes an appearance in this chapter)

Wirt's Pov

I watched as Dipper rushed up the stairs to the attic and once he was gone, I dropped my gaze down to the wooden floor and sighed. What was I thinking, trying to kiss him? I got caught up in his bright caramel-brown eyes, his perfect brown curls, his light pink lips. Those soft kissable lips. I blushed and covered my face while making my way to the living room. Greg was already on the couch in his pajamas playing with Jason Funderburker when I walked in and sat on the couch with a loud huff. Greg stopped playing and raised his eyebrow at me. "What's wrong brother 'o mine? Your face is as red as a tomato." I dropped my hands away from my face and sighed, looking down at the floor. "I um, I might've tried to kiss Dipper," I mumbled, hoping Greg wouldn't hear. Unfortunately for me, he did and very loudly shouted, "YOU DID WHAT!?"

I covered his mouth with my hands and hushed him, not wanting anyone else to hear what I did. Greg just giggled and moved my hands away from his mouth, revealing his large grin. He bounced up and down, clearly excited, and started bombarding me with a bunch of questions. "When did you do it? Was it romantic? Are you two in love now?" My face grew redder at each question and quickly regretted telling Greg anything. "No, we're not- I um- I didn't actually kiss him." It's probably a good thing Mabel interrupted us, I mean imagine what would have happened if I did kiss Dipper. Ugh, I could have seriously screwed everything up. I haven't even properly confessed but I stupidly thought it was okay to try and kiss him, what is wrong with me!? 

Stan walked in holding a large wad of cash and wearing a large greedy grin which meant he must have had a good day. He looked over at me and cocked his brow, pocketing the money and crossing his arms. "What's with you kid? You got a fever or something." I wasn't sure how to answer Mr. Pines' question, maybe tell him I'm fine or lie and say that I did have a fever, but I didn't have time to answer because Greg did it for me. "He's upset because he tried to kiss Dipper but chickened out." I blushed till I felt dizzy and quickly slapped my hands over Greg's mouth, but the damage had been done. Why couldn't he stay quiet? Now Stan knew about my crush too!

Mr. Pines burst into laughter and slapped his knee, seeming to enjoy my embarrassment. He slapped my back and then sat down on his recliner, still laughing. "Oh, hahaha! I- I can't believe you- hahaha! Oof, my sides are starting to burn!" Mr. Pines settled down and pointed at me with a large grin. "Listen kid, you shoulda just planted one on him. Dipper's great but he's oblivious as shit, so if you want him to realize your feelings then you should just man up and kiss him." "W-wait you already knew?" Stan laughed again and rolled his eyes as if my crush was common knowledge. "What? You thought I wouldn't notice you making goo-goo eyes at my great-nephew while you worked? Please, it was pretty obvious."

I face-palmed and groaned into my hands, my entire face down to my chest covered in a bright red blush. If I was being that obvious then the chances of Dipper finding out about my feelings for him are even greater than I thought. Heck, after what I did he probably already knows. Stan seemed to notice my concern because he got up from his chair and patted me on the back. "Look kid, Dipper doesn't know. Like I said earlier, the boy's oblivious as shit, so stop worrying over it, got it?" "Yes sir." Stan rolled his eyes again and headed upstairs, leaving me and Greg in the living room.

"You heard that brother 'o mine, you've got nothing to worry about!" I smiled at Greg's optimism and ruffled his hair as he giggled. Greg yawned and curled up in my lap, both him and Jason Funderburker quickly falling asleep, and after a few minutes, I fell asleep with them.

* I opened my eyes to find that I was once again in a white void, which most likely meant Bill was h- "HELLO WIRT!" Speak of the devil. Bill appeared in front of me, a smug grin plastered onto his face. "It's been a while buddy. How have ya been? Done anything exciting?" I flinched at BIll's demonic voice and backed up, scared as to what the demon might do next. But he just laughed as if he remembered some funny joke. "Who am I kidding, I already know what you did! Hahaha, I bet Pinetree wasn't expecting you to try and lay one on him. Hahahaha!" I realized what Bill was talking about and blushed till my entire face was red. How did he know about that? "Remember kid, I know everything." Right, he can read minds. "Well um it's great to s-see you but I should probably leave this dream." I started looking around for an exit or some way to escape when Bill hooked his cane around my waist and pulled me back towards him.

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