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Sorry, it's pretty late. But it's here now and I am very proud! Enjoy!

"Wait, Lilah! Wait up!"

A girl with golden hair laughed and glanced behind her shoulder, her blue eyes widening in delight. "Well hurry up James!" She shouted back at the boy trailing behind her. He huffed out a tired laugh and the girl giggled but stopped, allowing her friend to catch up. A boy, around the age of 15, ran up to her but fell onto the floor, both of them laughing.

The girl looked down and studied her friend. Short and wavy nearly black hair, peach skin, slightly narrow nose, and hazel eyes. She smiled and helped him up. "Thanks, Lilah," the boy said, looking down to hide his blush.

Lilah laughed and was about to say something when they heard someone singing. Ever the curious one, Lilah grabbed James' hand and dragged him through the forest to the voice. "Wait, are you sure th-" James cut himself on when he realized that there was someone else in the forest. Lilah followed his gaze and her blue eyes widened.

There in the middle of a clearing was a young boy, possibly 8 or 9, wrapped in tree branches. Standing over them was a completely black feminine figure with antlers, long black hair, and sharp claws that dripped oil. They were the one singing, lulling the child to sleep with their opera. "Come wayward souls, that wander through the darkness. There is light for the lost and meek. Sorrow and fear are easily forgotten, when you submit to the soil of the earth."

The voice, which sounded like a woman's, clouded the child's mind. The boy's eyes slowly closed and the branches grew around them, till there was nothing left but a tree sapling. James didn't know why but the sight filled him with rage. Before someone could stop him, the teen ran from his hiding spot, fist raised, but stopped dead in his tracks when his hazel eyes met the snow-white eyes of the creature.

"Strong soul for a human child." She spoke. "You would make a great Beast." James froze not knowing what to do, and the creature chuckled and lifted his chin. Her eyes shifted from white to a swirl of colors and James found himself hypnotized.

"Hey stay away from him!" Lilah ran forward, randomly swinging a stick, and the creature paused, her eyes going back to white. She let go of James, sent him one last look, then disappeared into the woods.

James stayed still, his entire being feeling frozen. It wasn't until Lilah shook him did he snap out of his trance. Wide blue eyes met confused hazel ones and they just stared at each other. Slowly Lilah broke away and looked down at the tree sapling. James did the same, his gut churning in horror at the sight. "He was so young," the girl said, and all James could do was nod. 

The two stayed silent, trying to understand what had just happened. Who that creature was. It wasn't until the sun started setting, did James realize that it was going to be night soon. "We should go home." It was Lilah's turn to just nod.

When James went to sleep that night, all he saw were the woman's multi-colored eyes.

~~Time Skip to next day~~

"What do you kids know about that?" The butcher asked, halting his chopping. James looked down, trying to appear smaller and hideaway. The butcher was an intimidating fellow though not as scary as the midwife. 

"We saw her yesterday sir!" Lilah said. Unlike her friend, she wasn't threatened in the slightest. James always admired that about her, bravery made her pretty blue eyes glow. The butcher huffed and in a gruff tone said, "what you kids saw was the Beast. Nasty woman, lures kids out at night and turns 'em into Edelwood trees. You would do good staying away from her. And don't listen to her siren song." The two teens nodded and left the butcher so he could resume his work.

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