Chapter 25: Grief Is The Enemy

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Dipper's Pov

It only took a day for Bill to enact his plan.

We all woke up to find sharp branches wrapped around our entire house. But that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was the large tear in the sky that spilled nightmares. It was like Weirdmaggedon 2.0. To our luck, the unicorn hairs were still in full effect so the branches were basically harmless, but that didn't make them any less of a scary sight. With most of the branches taken down, Ford bringing them to his lab to study, we got a better look outside.

Even from the shack, I could see the large fearamid in the center of town, branches covering the outside. The sounds of terrified screaming rang out through the air followed by maniacal laughter that we all recognized as Bill's. Ford ushered us back inside and sat us down in the living room so we could come up with a plan of attack.

"Okay people, Bill is more powerful than ever and we need ideas on how to stop him. Now first we need to know what we're dealing with. Dipper, what information do you have on the Beast?" I stood up from the couch and shakily grabbed a marker from the whiteboard Ford had brought up. "So far what I know is that he's a shadowy demon from the Unknown. He has the power of chlorokinesis and-" I was interrupted by Greg raising his hand frantically while asking to be called on. "Yes, Greg?" "What's cholorkanesis?" He asked. Mabel, who was holding him in her lap, smiled a little and explained that it was the power to control plants. With Greg properly informed, I went back to presenting all the information I had gathered so far.

"Right, so using his powers he is able to create the branches currently outside. The branches are used to trap lost kids so he can turn them into edelwood trees and fuel his lantern with the oil from the trees." I drew a picture of the lantern and started circling it when I paused. This moment was so familiar. Writing on a whiteboard, trying to gather information on a new foe. It's only been a few days since me and Wirt were doing this. Only a few days ago he was okay. He was by my side, alive and well.

I didn't even realize I had started crying until Ford placed a hand on my shoulder and I snapped back to reality. "S-Sorry I um, I just... I'm fine. Anyway, the lantern was his weak point, it would house his soul. But now that his soul is in Bill's body, it's not as simple as blowing out a flame." I set the marker down and returned to my spot on the couch. Ford surveyed my notes then sighed and lowered his gaze down to the floor. "So what now?" Stan asked. Ford ran a hand through his hand and shook his head, not knowing what to do. "I-I'm not sure. I've never dealt with a creature like this. And two demons combining souls is completely unheard of. If I just had a better lay of the land then maybe..." Ford drifted off, his words slowly slurring off into nothingness. We all lowered our heads in a disheartening manner.

This couldn't be it. We couldn't lose and let Bill run wild. Ford's right. We need a better lay of the... land? Wait that's it! I jumped up from my seat and gave my great-uncle a determined look. "Let me go scout out the town." Ford's eyes widened in bewilderment but then he shook his head and turned away from me. "No. That's much too dangerous." "But you said it yourself. We need a better lay of the land. I could run into town and gather more information and even some people who can help-" "And let yourself get hurt!? Absolutely not!" I frowned and grabbed my uncle's arm, forcing him to look at me. "Look. Out of everyone here, I would be safest. Bill isn't allowed to hurt me in any way so I would be able to walk through town without being in danger." "Do you really think Bill wouldn't hurt you just because of some deal? He would find a loophole and stab you in the back, literally! You're not going and that's final," Ford said sternly. "So what, we're just gonna sit here and do nothing!" I yelled back. "Trust me Great-Uncle Ford, I can handle this. Besides..." I paused then in a lower tone said, "I'm not going to let his sacrifice be in vain." 

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