Chapter 5: Slumber Party

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Dipper's Pov

I lead Wirt up to my room while listening to the storm. Now that I think about it, maybe Great Uncle Ford knows what's going on. This storm definitely has to do with some strange anomaly. I'll have to ask him about it later, but for now, I have to find pajamas for Wirt. "Um, I think these should fit." I handed him a grey t-shirt and sweatpants that looked like it might fit. He thanked me and I nodded and sat on my bed turned towards the wall.

I looked towards the window and frowned. Storms don't just appear out of nowhere. And this particular storm gives me a really bad feeling. There was another flash of lightning, and wait is lightning usually golden-yellow? That's definitely strange. I turned to go downstairs and ask Ford when I was quickly reminded that Wirt was still getting dressed. And was currently shirtless. My face went completely red and turned back to the wall in hopes to hide my intense blush.

Geez Dipper, calm down. So Wirt was shirtless, doesn't mean anything. Just calm down and focus on literally anything else. I tried to clear my mind and for a while, it was working. Until I ran out of other things to focus on and started thinking about Wirt. How adorable his nose was, or his sweet dorky smile, his beautiful brown ey- "Um we should probably go back downstairs right?" I thankfully snapped from my thoughts and turned to face Wirt. "Um y-yeah, let's go down." We headed downstairs where Mabel and Greg were sorting through a shit-ton of movies.

"About time you got here! Now Wirt, come help us pick a movie, and Dipper go get us snacks." "What why, I'm not your errand boy!" Mabel frowned and did her puppy dog eyes while pointing to the kitchen. "Ugh fine, just don't start the movie without me." I went into the kitchen and pulled out chips, cheese, jalapenos, and taco meat. The ingredients to make my friend Marco's super awesome nachos. I started making the nachos when a very annoyed Wirt walked in and asked me for a towel. "Yeah sure, what do you need a towel fo-." I looked over at him and bit my lip trying not to laugh. His entire face was covered in pink glitter. "What pfft happened?" He wiped off some of the glitter with his hands and groaned, "Mabel and Greg thought it would be a good idea to give me a surprise glitter makeover." I stifled another laugh and handed him a towel. He wiped off most of the glitter except one spot on his cheek. I giggled and he raised an eyebrow. "What?" "Huh, no it's nothing." "It's obviously something. You keep laughing." "It's just, you missed a spot." I walked over and wiped off the remaining glitter on his cheek. I blushed, realizing how close we were, and walked back over to the counter.

"So um, what are you making." "Nachos. You can help by getting the bag of cheese from the fridge." Wirt grabbed the cheese and handed it to me. "Isn't two bags a lot?" I smiled and sprinkled more cheese in spots where it was lacking. "Yeah for regular nachos, but these are 'Marco's Super Awesome Nachos' so the more cheese the better!" "Who's Marco?" Wirt questioned. I pulled out my phone and showed him a picture of me, Marco, Mabel, and Star. "Marco is a friend of mine from California. These nachos were his recipe. Speaking of which, TADA!" I took the nachos out of the oven and showed them to Wirt. He smiled and took one off the plate, "wow these really are good!" "Told you so. Now let's hurry up and get these to Mabel and Greg before they attack us with more glitter." We both laughed and went into the living room where Mabel and Greg were choosing between 'Legally Blonde' and 'Wall-E'.

They finally settled on Wall-E and we sat on the couch and started the movie. For a while, I forgot about the storm and the strange lightning. But that's only because I was focused on the fact that Wirt and I were sitting next to each other. Really close together. When we first sat down Mabel, rather forcefully, pushed me next to Wirt. Guess she still thinks I have a crush on him, WHICH I DON'T! I tried to pay attention to the movie, but when you've got a rather cute looking boy sitting next to you, that can be very hard. Nevertheless, I managed to get through the movie and once it ended, Mabel and I got up and wished Wirt and Greg goodnight. 

We went up to our room and I sat on my bed reading a book. "Sooo, Dip Dot. Ready to admit you've got a thing for Wirt?" I blushed and covered my face with the book. "Mabel, please! I told you I don't like him like that!" She scoffed and turned to me with her hands on her hips. "Dipper did you really think I couldn't see you blushing the entire time you were sitting next to him?" "I-it was hot. That's why my face was red," I mumbled under my breath. "Don't you mean, he was hot?"

I blushed even more and threw a pillow at Mabel. "Oh my gosh Mabel, grow up! I don't see him like that!" She tipped her head to the side and smirked. "You didn't deny that he's hot though." I groaned and face-palmed. "Well, I'm denying it now. I just think he's kind of cute. Which is completely normal and doesn't mean I have a crush! Besides if you think of him like that then why don't you go flirt with him like all the others!" Mabel shrugged and sat next to me. "I've kind of got my eyes set on someone else right now, so no I'm not going to flirt with him. Besides, I would never try to steal your man." I sighed, knowing that this argument was going nowhere. Why am I even arguing about this? I already know I don't like Wirt, why do I care what Mabel says. Maybe because you know she is right. What no, th-that's not true... right? Go ahead and deny it, but you know what you want. I blushed and slammed a pillow over my head. Even my stupid thoughts are betraying me!

"You okay bro-bro?" Mabel gave me a concerned look and moved the pillow from my face. "I'm fine, just tired," I quickly answered. She smiled and put my book away on the shelf. "Well if that's the case, we should probably get to sleep." She went over to her bed and lied down. "Night Dipping Sauce. I love you." I smiled and turned off the light on the end table. "Love you too Mabel." She giggled and then said, "you should go downstairs and give Wirt a goodnight kiss." "MABEL!" She burst into a laughing fit and I grumbled and turned my back to her.

Wait a minute... "Mabel, when you said you have your eyes on someone else, who we-" "NIGHT BRO-BRO!" I sighed, realizing that I would have to get the answer in the morning, then closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Picture is from Tumblr (couldn't find the artist, if you know who it is please tell me)

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