Chapter 17: A Walk Through The Woods

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3rd person Pov (new pov, who dis?)

"I'M HELPLESS! LOOK INTO YOUR EYES AND THE SKIES THE LIMIT. I'M HELPLESS! DOWN FOR THE COUNT AND I'M DROWNIN' IN 'EM!" Mabel was blasting Hamilton on the speaker throughout the shack, twirling around with a bright smile. It was Saturday, which meant the Shack was closed. The boys were watching and tapping their feet as Mabel danced around, lovingly gazing at her phone. Today was the day she was going to ask Pacifica out so she was understandably excited. If only I had her courage, both Dipper and Wirt thought, hoping that one day, preferably sooner than later, they would be able to ask the other out.

Towards the end of the song, Mabel grabbed Dipper's hands and spun around the room earning laughter from everyone there. The song ended and the twins burst into infectious laughter. Wirt blushed and smiled, Dipper's laughter sure was adorable. The door opened and they all turned to see Ford holding some weird flashing blue goop in a container. "What's that Grunkle Ford!?" Mabel asked excitedly. Ford smiled and put the container in a sack then answered Mabel's question. "Well I went out this morning and found some leftover residue from the storm, I'm surprised there were any leftovers at all but this was certainly a lucky find!" "Wait, residue from the storm? Are you gonna study it? I could help if you want," Dipper offered, a hint of his own excitement shimmering in his eyes. Ford continued to smile but it was laced with worry. "Um well this can be incredibly volatile so I would suggest staying up here." "Right," Dipper responded slightly disappointed.

Ford descended down into his lab and Mabel's phone buzzed. "See you three later!" She ran outside leaving the boys in the gift shop. Jason Funderburker poked his head out of Greg's overall pocket and ribbited. "You wanna see if there's any candy in our suitcase? Okie Dokie!" Before Wirt could tell Greg not to go eating too much candy, the boy and his frog ran off to the twin's room where their stuff was. Which left Wirt and Dipper in the gift shop. Dipper turned to Wirt with a mischievous smirk and asked, "you wanna go out?" "What!?" Wirt's eyes widened, was Dipper asking him out? Dipper chuckled and said, "like go out into the woods. There's supposed to be a large gathering of fairies during the sunset today and I wanted to check it out and take some notes. You wanna come?"

Of course, Wirt wanted to say yes but last time they were in the woods, it didn't go very well. Then again, it's not like they were going to Bill's statue so it should be fine. "Um well, I thought we weren't allowed into the woods." "We're not allowed to be in the woods alone. As long as we stay together, it'll be fine," Dipper countered. Well, Wirt couldn't and didn't want to argue with that logic so he agreed to go with Dipper.

~~Time Skip~~

The two walked through the woods, Dipper leading while Wirt walked behind him. "So where exactly are we going?" "Oh this cliffside, it has an amazing view of the celebration!" Wirt nodded and the two continued, not realizing there were creatures in the trees watching them.

A large group of fairies stepped out of their treehouses, getting ready for the gathering when they noticed two familiar-looking boys. They looked from the boys to the other fairies around them and shrugged. That's when one fairy adjusted their glasses and gasped with realization. "Those are the boys that came by a while back, remember. That one in the front is wearing that signature hat." They all nodded their hands and ahhed realizing that they were in fact the same boys. But there was something different about them. A fairy by the name of Jane flew towards them and, after a quick inspection, they flew back up into the trees to join the others. "They look the same but they smell different." The fairies became intrigued and gathered closer. "Well what do they smell like?" one of them asked. "Roses, honey, and butterfly milk." The fairies swooned and sighed, romantic grins on all of their faces. "The smell of love, how beautiful!" The fairies started bombarding Jane with a bunch of questions, but the small fae just shook their head and hushed their friends. "I don't think they're together, you guys. The love is definitely present but they haven't shared it with one another. I'm pretty sure they're just friends." The fairies gasped and one of them even fainted. This was terrible news! "Those poor lovebirds. They need our help." "Yeah! Let's help 'em out!" All the fairies cheered and began plotting how to help out the two boys.

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