Chapter 9: I'll Keep You Safe From the Nightmares

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Dipper's Pov

I paced around the room, not wanting to go back downstairs and see... him. Honestly, I should be calmer about this, I mean I've had crushes before so there was no reason to be freaking out. On the other hand, none of them have ever felt the same way and it always ended in heartbreak, so that's a very good reason to freak out. I ran a hand through my hair in an attempt to calm down and took a deep breath. "Okay, so you like him, so what? I'm sure this will pass after a day or two. No reason to panic." I took another breath before going into a panic and pacing the room again. "Who the hell am I kidding! He's perfect! There's no way I'm getting over him in a few days. Dammit, this is going to be like Wendy all over again!"

I heard footsteps and quickly tried to compose myself when Mabel walked back into the room. "Hey Dip, you coming downstairs." When I didn't answer Mabel frowned and put her hands on her hips. "Hey Dipper, what's got you in such a funk?" I laughed, even though there was nothing funny about this, and rolled my eyes. "Oh, everything is just peachy. I found out that I once again have feelings for someone who's completely out of my league. I have no fucking chance with him, and oh let's not forget I don't even know if he even likes guys! Why do I always fall for people who I can't be with?" Mabel patted my back and looked at me with a smile. "Aww, don't be like that bro-bro. You totally have a chance with Wirt, you just gotta go for it." I grumbled at her optimism and looked away from her.

I can't just tell Wirt how I feel, I'm not like Mabel, I can't simply confess like she can. Whenever I did nothing good came out of it, how do I know Wirt will be any different. Mabel seemed to realize just how upset I was and sat me down on my bed. She sat down next to me and sighed. "Look Dip, I get it, feelings are hard and complicated and it can be really hard to confess but sometimes you gotta go for it." "Yeah, and look how that turned out all the other times." Mabel shrugged and went to the door. "Who knows? Maybe this time might be different." She left and I sighed. You know what, maybe this time will be different.

~~Time Skip~~

"What happened next?" Greg asked. We were in the living room and Mabel was telling everyone about the time we were attacked by zombies. Greg was sitting on the floor, his frog in his hand and amazement in his eyes. Wirt was sitting on the couch, Waddles resting next to him, a look of concern and intrigue on his face. And I was on the armchair, watching as Mabel told her story. "Well, we thought all hope was lost. Cornered in our room with no hope, Dipper dropped his journal. But we realized that in the light of a black light there were secret messages written all over the pages." Greg gasped and squeezed the frog in his arms, "what did the messages say?" "They said the only way to defeat the zombies was with... karaoke!" Wirt and Greg both raised their eyebrows in confusion and I shook my head. "It said that they could only be destroyed by a 3-part harmony," I explained. "Yup, so we saved the day with the power of karaoke!" Greg started clapping and turned to Wirt with an excited smile. "Did you hear that Wirt? The power of karaoke saved the day!"

Wirt chuckled and patted Greg's head. "Well, that was quite a story." Mabel shrugged and took my hand so that we were standing side by side. "Yeah, we're basically masters at the supernatural. You should totally tell Wirt more about our crazy adventures Dipper." I blushed, knowing what Mabel was trying to do, and smiled at the ground nervously. "Maybe another time, it's starting to get pretty late." Right on cue, there was another bright flash of lightning followed by more thunder. Mabel thought for a moment then a mischievous grin appeared on her face. "You know what, Dip's right. It is getting pretty late." Wirt nodded in agreement while Greg frowned. "I'm not tired yet," the little boy said. Mabel picked him up and tickled him, making the boy giggle. "Hey Greg, why don't you and I build a couch fort!" "Yeah, couch fort!" Greg cheered. Mabel put him down on the floor and then turned to me. "Then it's settled. Me and Greg will make a fort down here, and Dipper and Wirt can sleep in our room." 

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