If I Fell

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The winter breeze didn't effect Emily as she sat taking one of the last drags of her cigarette, her spirits low due to it now closing on the day. Every time she thought of the two missing teens her heart collapsed, her own little boy and Penny, who she had pretty much raised when Rosanna died. 

Where to start with Rosanna Eugenie Murphy or as Emily had known her most of her life, Aubinet. 




"Hello" a young light brunette greeted as she glanced at the dark brunette, 

" Salut- Ah- Hello." The smaller girl replied, 

" I like your coat it's very pretty." Emily complimented with a soft smile,

" Thank you." She smiled,

" You're not from around here are ya?" The Londoner noticed, 

" Lyon, France." Rosanna informed. 

" What's your name?" Emily asked,

" Rosanna, Rosanna Eugenie Aubinet" The french girl drawled. 

" I'm Emily, Emily Craven." 




Pulling into the driveway of number 52 had never felt weirder for the two teens, the last time she'd been here, she didn't really know if she'd back. Dave smiled at the nervous girl as they stepped out the car, he came round to grab her hand, his affection calming her down a tad. As they stepped around the corner; a figure came into view, Emily, looking up she saw the two teens striding towards her. 

" Oh my babies!" She cried as she ran towards them and brought them into a hug. 

" Mum..." He chuckled as he clung on to her.

" Oh my babies..." Emily whispered, taking a look at both of them,

" Auntie Emmie..." Penny spoke. 

" What were you two thinking!" She blurted, taken back from the previous events, "Are you hurt?" 

" Much better actually." Penny smiled knowingly at Dave. 


"Penelope!" Albert sobbed as he ran towards his daughter, " Oh my darling..."

" Hi Dad." Penny laughed, trying to wiggle out his strong grip. 

" Are you okay sweetheart?" He cooed as he surveyed his daughters appearance. 

" Better than ever Dad." She beamed. 

" David!" Albert smiled, making his way over to the smiling teen boy. 

" Hi Uncle Al." He giggled before Penny joined. 

" Pens!" Ray shouted elated as he made his way over to the teen. 

" Davies!" She laughed as she ran to him,

" Bloody hell... I don't think I've ever been so scared!" Ray huffed, " Don't you ever do that again!" 

" Alright idiot?" Dave laughed as he entered the room,

" Thank god... You little shit!" Ray laughed as he hugged his little brother which quickly turned into a tackle. 

" Boys be careful- Boys stop it!" Emily warned which was ignored, " Ray don't pull your brothers ha- Dave let go of his le-"

"BOYS" Penny shouted, suddenly both were back to normal. 

" Yes ma'am?" Dave asked sarcastically, 

" Pig." Penny rolled her eyes. 

" Oink!" He replied, remembering their previous conversation before she collapsed in laughter. 

" Behave." Emily directed towards her youngest. 

" I'm not a pig am I Penny?" Ray joked, 

" Definitely not." Penny mumbled.

" Is it cause you love me?" The eldest giggled,

" Oh of course." Penny uttered with an unimpressed smile. 

" I thought-" Dave began,

" Auntie Emily how did you birth these two pigs?" Penny questioned sarcastically as she glanced at the boys who were having a play fight. 

" I don't know dear, I don't know." Emily snorted, " Why they couldn't of been of Ernest and Theodore I don't know!" 

" You can have Ernie!" Penny chuckled, 

" Awww which one of us would you want in replacement?" The eldest asked whilst he fought off Dave's slaps. 

" Neither." Penny answered. 

" But you love me don't you Penny-" Dave started, " Get off me you pillock!" 

" You forfeiting?"  Ray teased before letting go. 

" I'm getting away from Psycho. Coming with Lo?" Dave asked before she nodded. 

The winter sun was quite relaxing for the two teens who leaned on the Murphy's back garden wall, the sun shining towards them which reflected in Dave's eyes. 

" I'm glad you came yesterday." Penny admitted as she cuddled into him, 

" I'm elated I did." Dave whispered into her hair as he stroked her back, " When do we tell them?" 

" Give it a few weeks, yeah? Let it be ours for a while." Penny replied as she toyed with the buttons on his coat. 

" If that's what you want." He spoke before reaching into his coat, " Can I ruin the moment?"  he chuckled as he pulled out a packet of cigarettes. 

" I'll have to get used to that." She snorted as she rolled her eyes. 

" Come ere." He mumbled through the cigarette, pulling her back towards him. 

" Not whilst you're smoking." She spoke, stepping onto the frost coated grass, " It's beautiful really." 

" Me? Awww I know I am!" He joked,

" The winter you dimlo, how everything changes in one perfect cycle; only to turn into spring and so forth but knowing it will be back again." She spoke mesmerized,

" It is." He agreed as he took another drag. 

" How life is just one big cycle, we're clueless in this big world; we're always waiting not knowing what's going to happen, but we have two things that we know are going to happen. We'll live and we'll die." She continued,

" Actually you can add another." He began as he stubbed his cigarette,

" What's that?" She inquired. 

" That I will always care and most importantly, Always love you." He smiled as he walked over to her and put his arm around her. 

" Three, always." She confirmed. 

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