They'll move me up to Muswell Hill tomorrow

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The week quickly went passed as it always did at Queen Alexandra's; it was a dreary Thursday evening in the Williams, Jones, Murphy household Penelope was curled up in a chair thinking about the trip back to Muswell Hill tomorrow, she was going to see her lovely Dalton and Dorothy; her brothers and most likely some old faces. Did she really have anything to show for her 5 years away from Muswell Hill? Yes of course she did, amazing GCSE results, 2 amazing best friends. But no real physical change except from growth, glasses and a new wardrobe style. "I want a drastic change," Penelope spoke. 

"What?" Gail spoke utterly confused,

"I want a change of some type, I mean I haven't changed a lot looks wise." Penelope stated 

"Yes you have you idiot, you got glasses!" Margret spoke sarcastically,

"I mean you have had the same hairstyle for the last five years, maybe a haircut would make you look different?" Gail questioned.

"Yes! Penny you would so suit short hair!" Margret encouraged 

"So how would we get it done by tomorrow?" Penelope asked whilst Margret gave her a knowing smile and look. "No..." Penelope spoke.

"Yes!" Margret shouted before running into their small bathroom and coming back with scissors and a comb. "Come on you want a change right?" Margret asked, 

"You won't make me look like my aunt Hilda?" Penelope sulked,

"Who the hell is that?" Gail and Margret asked at the same time utterly confused. Penelope muttered "Don't worry about it" Penelope muttered.

No less than half an hour later Penelope's long thick dark brown hair had been cut into a short bob. "Penny..." Gail whispered as she built suspense, 

"You've ruined it haven't you?" She muttered absolutely terrified.

She was faced with a mirror, she stared into it with absolute shock taking in the new style which consumed the teens head. A short textured bob, she couldn't  believe it.

"I don't actually look like an absolute nob!" She joked as she smiled at the two beside her before getting up. 

" Are you ready now?" Gail and Margret spoke at the same time with gleaming pride. 

"Yeah, yeah I am." 




The phone rang later that night as the 3 sat in their relevant spaces as they conversed about random things. 

"Hello? Hi Mr. Murphy! Yep she's here- two seconds, I'm getting her now. Penny it's your Dad!" 

Penelope: Hi Dad. 

Alfred: Hi sweetheart, everything okay? All ready to go? 

Penelope: Yes Dad, everything's fine. All ready for tomorr-

Alfred: Are you sure? Have you packed all of your clothes, it's not just that you know, it's everything important till they can get everything else to you. Have you got your identity card I sent you because you're probably going to be having catch-ups at pubs and stuff like that with Annetta, Stuart and the broth-

Penelope: Yes Dad, I've got everything! 

Alfred: Ok, ok. Theodore and Ernest can't wait to see you of course! Also Dalton and Dorothy. 

Penelope: Yes I can't wait to see them too! Anyway Dad must dash, you know finish of pa-

Alfred: Ernest is here now if you'd like! Ernie come say Hello to your sister!

Penelope: Dad I'll see him tomorrow . Bye. 

"You alright?" Margie chuckled,

"'s just annoying that's all." Penelope replied. 

"I wish my parents cared about me that much." Gail spoke,

"Gail..." Both girls wined sympathetically.

"Why don't we just listen to some dreamy Sinatra and imagine our greatest loves."  Margie suggested. 

"Sure," Penelope spoke as she moved towards the record player,

" Have you told Mr. Harrison about your change of address?" Gail asked

"Yeah he's going to start writing to that." Penelope informed. 

"You might want to tell him he's got competition!" Margie spoke

"Piss off!" Was all she got in the reply as they were met with the beautiful melody. 

"Straaangers in the niiiight!!!"  Margie cheered in a fake American drawl. 

"Loove was just a glance away, warm embracing dance awayyyy." Gail joined. 

" It turned so right for straangers in the night." Penny finished. 

" I know I stand in line to until you think you have the time to dance with me." Margie sung

"Then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like I love you" Gail continued

" The time is right the perfume fills my head and stars get red and oh the nights so blue... I Love you...." Penny harmonised. 




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