God Only Knows

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January slowly began fading away as it usually did, the winter would eventually become the spring and so forth. This year had brought a new aspect to Penelope's life; she'd found her purpose as a human, to help the world become a more united and eventually maybe bring in solidarity as a race. She'd found her style, her confidence and most importantly her love, may Nineteen Sixty Four live on forever. 

Today wasn't just any normal day, the boys had managed to buy some more studio time and she'd be joining them in the studio for the day. Their bandmate and Penny's new found friend Peter Quaife would pick her up on his bike, even though she'd known Peter since Primary School she'd never become close with him. She was one of the only people who called him Peter, he was always known as Pete. 

" Morning Penny!" Pete greeted, shouting over the sound of his bike, it was a Triumph, one of the most beautiful she'd seen. Even though she was happy with Dave she had a passing thought, " If I wasn't with Dave he'd be perfect".  Penny had always had a love for most things with wheels at courtesy of her older brother Theo. Though she'd never dated a biker she'd always hung around with them and got a chance to drive Margie's Ex's during the summer of 62'. 

"Morning Peter!" She returned as she walked over to him, 

" Something tells me you like bikes." He laughed as he took in her appearance, she wore jeans and a jumper with a leather jacket on top, her hair was pushed back by a red bandana. 

" No doubt about it!" She nodded as she climbed on behind him, 

" Ready?" He asked before she nodded. 

" Lo!" Dave greeted as she walked through the door with Pete,

" Hey Dave." She smiled, 

" You okay?" He asked protectively. 

" Fine." She nodded, " Right where's Davies?" 

" He's recording, do you wanna give me a hand?" The bright eyed guitarist suggested. 

" What needs doing?" She inquired,

" Can you help me with these?" He questioned as he pointed at the pile of tangled leads before she came over and sat with him picking one up at a time. 

" Pens!" Ray called,

" Yes Davies?" She replied, 

" Come here!" He shouted before she sighed and emerged into his view. 

" Can you give me a hand with these harmonies?" Ray asked sweetly,

" You want me to sing?" She blurted.

" If you don't mind." He replied, gesturing to the microphone, passing her a pair of headphones, " Could you just begin with singing along with You Still Want Me line in the chorus. You've heard it before. "

" Sure." She nodded,  

When you passed me by
You didn't look my way
But one thing I know
Our love is here to stay


"And you still want me
And you still want me"

"Perfect!" Ray cheered from the window, 

" It's alright?" She asked. 

" Lovely Lo." Dave smiled. 

" Anything else?" She inquired,

" Do one of your own." Ray encouraged,

" Sing it?" She snorted,

" Yeah." Ray nodded, 

" You're crazy." She laughed, 

" Go on Lo, I've never heard you." Dave spoke. 

" I can't just do it on the spot!" She chuckled before sighing, 

" I never needed anyone when I was little and new, 

Knew my place and self worth,

But now I sit here and wonder, 

My heart knows that you should of been here for me.

The smile that hides behind the pain, 

Is lying there, 

The girl that's there everyday has never loved,

Maybe some other day she'll learn the way. 

The darkness that fills my eyes, 

Calling, crying for you,

They flash and dash by never learning their names or the story of their lives" 

"  Bloody hell..." Dave cut in, 

" I didn't know she'd written this." Ray whispered. 

" It's a bit rubbish I know but it'll get there." Penny interrupted as she exited the booth,




" I'm not being funny but it's not exactly worth it" Penny spoke,

" It might be the only thing to do." He laughed,

" How's your brother going to react? He'll hate you for this, I mean come on it's not exactly something he'd do is it?" She reminded,

" He doesn't have to know." He replied,

" Just don't cry to me when it all goes wrong okay?" She warned, 

" I won't!" He smiled as he grabbed her hand, " Do you think I dream too much?"

" It's good to dream, it just needs to be realistic to get it." She explained,

" Is it stupid that I've already planned our lives in my head? That I've planned everything." He chuckled as he hugged her as she leaned against the kitchen worktop. 

" Course not, that's sweet." She smiled, " So what's gonna happen?" 

" We'll get married-" He began,

" We're too young to get married." She snorted,

" Eventually. Then the house, pets, children and then it all kinda goes on." He continued. 

" Three huh?" She spoke remembering the conversation in the pub a few months back. 

" Of course." He beamed as he leaned in for a kiss,

" And what would they been named?" She murmured quickly breaking his kiss. 

" I'm not sure, just want them to be healthy." He whispered, wrapping his arm around her waist. 

" Spencer and Matthew for the boys and Charlotte for the girl." She informed as she thought, 

" So two boys and one girl?" He noticed.

" Yeah, I think I'd be better with boys. Less hassle." She giggled,

" I'm sorry but have you ever met me and Ray before?" He laughed,

" Unfortunately I have." She nodded sarcastically. 

" The only way to stop us fighting is killing one of us." He joked,

" Alright off you go!" She snorted,

" You'd have him over me!" He cried, 

" Anyday." She faked. 

" Do you remember how amazingly lovely I am?" He muttered before he kissed her neck. 

" Stop it you." She warned, " Literally- You know what fuck it." She snorted before she pressed her lips against his. 

" Albert I've- Oh..."  


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