Well no one told me about her

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"Sweetheart, it's time to get up!" 

"Margie, fuck off..." Penny muttered as she stirred in her sleepy state. 

"It's your dad, now come on and language!" 

"Shit." She muttered as she sat up still half asleep. 

After vigorous amounts of trying on different outfits the teen checked her outfit. Before deciding on her favourite.

She picked up the old telephone in her room as she dialed a familiar number;

Margie: Hello, Margret speaking
Penelope: Margie, it's me!
Margie: Oh hello my beautiful Muswell Hill Princess how are youuuu?
Penelope: Hello to you my Norfolk maiden, it's uhhh... Weird to say the least.
Margie: So you haven't encountered your handsome Muswell Hill Prince yet?
Penelope: Oh fuck no, look I was just needing some advice...
Margie: Oh?
Penelope: I'm seeing them today.
Margie: You mean?
Penelope: Yep.
Margie: Snog. His. Face. OFF.
Penelope: I've only kissed him once!
Margie: Is he the one who sent you the abundance of 'I miss you come home, when I'm older I'm going to marry you letters'?
Penelope: First of all I was eleven and piss off.
Margie: Whatever, is he sexy? I still can't believe you've gotten over Mr. Harrison!
Penelope: I'm not going to sexualise my childhood best friend.
Margie: Anyway what help do you need then Madame Penny?
Penelope: I just... It's been half a decade, everything's so different. I just hope he doesn't hate me...
Margie: Penny he's not going to hate you...

A soft knock on her door disrupted their conversation,
" They're here sweetheart!" Her dad called before making his way back down the hall,
Penelope: Fuck they're here...
Margie: You'll be fine
Penelope: Look I'll speak to you later. I love you.
Margie: I love you too! Now go SNOG HIS FACE OFF!

She chuckled as she walked out of her room making her way down the stairs before she caught sight of her 'aunt'.

"Oh look at you!!! Oh my little Penny Rose!!!" The woman cried as she embraced the teen.
"Hello Auntie." She smiled as she embraced the woman.
"Oh your look so much like your mother! So beautiful!" She gushed as she took a good look at the brunette.
" I thought she got that from me!" Her father jokes as he walked in with a tray of refreshments.
" Oh Alfred it was always her mother she got her gorgeous looks from! " She chuckled.
" Auntie Annie was beautiful." A new voice spoke.
"Ray!!!" Penelope squealed as she moved over to one her childhood best friends pulling him into a tight hug. 

" Hey Pens!" He laughed as he hugged her back, 

" Look at you! What the actual Fu-FUDGE! You look so... Well, grown up!" Penelope said ecstatically as she took a good look at him. 

" Talk about pot kettle black Pen. Wow. Just Wow. Da-" 

" She's lovely isn't she, come sit with me Penny. You've got to tell me ALL about school! and your friends and some handsome male acquaintances you've made!" The woman interrupted.

"Male acquaintances? Dad what have you said!" The teen questioned as she sat next to the woman who drank her tea. 

"Oh well, I might of took it a bit out of proportion. A boy is writing to her! Can you believe it? Is he good to you? Is he-" Alfred gushed,

"Oh god-" Penny whined as she hung her head in embarrassment. 

"So where's David?" Alfred asked,

"Oh he couldn't make it, he had to work. He sends his apologies, he tried to rearrange work but wasn't successful-" 

"More like lost his sh-" Ray chuckled,

"Raymond!" She scolded.

" Still there's a party tonight, everyone's going to be there. It will be a right blast from the past, Nettie will be there, Helena, Stuart and Dave. It's about time you gave Muswell Hill their princess back." Ray stated. 

"Oh that would be lovely wouldn't it Penny?" Her Dad encouraged 

"I'm sorry but I've got a few calls to make and some letters to write. Maybe some other time?" She asked rhetorically. 

"Nonsense, go on! Go have some fun sweetie. " Alfred forced. 

"Let me know later okay? If you want to let me know by four yeah?" The teen boy informed sensing her nervous demeanour. 




Margie: Hello Princess Penny, did you snog him? If this is anyone else piss off peasants. 

Penelope: It's me

Margie: DID YOU? 

Gail: Margie shut it

Margie: Hey Galileo! DID YOU? 

Penelope: He didn't come with them

Margie and Gail: Oh...

Penelope: He had to work apparently.

Margie: He works? Sexy  

Gail: Oh my gosh

Penelope: But-

Margie: There's a BUT????

Gail: Margie shush and let her speak! Go on Penny.

Penelope: His older brother, my other childhood best friend invited me to a party where everyone I used to know is. I declined. 

Margie: YOU DECLINED!!!!!!! There's an older SEXY BROTHER???? 

Penelope: I didn't know what to d-


Gail: Margret Anne Williams, SHUT UP. 

Penelope: I was scared, I didn't want to look stupid, I don't want to just be the failure. 

Gail: I'm sorry what? 

Penelope: I-

Gail: You a failure? Penelope Roseanna Murphy. You are the absolute irreconcilable of a failure. Look you're going to call your friend and tell him you'll be there. You're going to find the best outfit in your wardrobe and do your best makeup and hairstyle and you're going to go and knock their socks off. Ok? 

Penelope: Ok

Margie: Why don't you listen to m-

Gail: Margret.

Margie: Okay. 

Gail: So what are you going to wear? 

Penelope: I was thinking my white blouse with beret, skirt and boots?

Gail and Margie: Good luck!

Margie: I want all the details!!!!

Penelope: I love you two! Speak later! 





"Hey Davies, I'll be there."




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