Mother, did it need to be so high?

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"Lo what's this?"

" Dave..."

" What is it Penelope?" He shouted as he turned towards her, tears covering his eyes.

" I can explain..." She whispered shocked at his outburst.

" You can explain, you can fucking explain? Well go ahead!" He spat, waving the object in his hand,

" Dear Penelope Rosanna Murphy,

On behalf of the Admissions Committee, it is my pleasure to offer you admission to the King's College Cambridge Class of 1964. You stood out as one of the most talented and promising students in one of the most competitive applicant pools in the history of the Institute.

Do I need to go on?"

" Dave..." Penny whispered,

" Don't make me feel bad, not only did you not tell me, you went to an interview without me knowing!" He freaked, waving the paper at her.

" I wanted to-" She began,

" I thought we were in this together?" He cried, the tears resurfacing.

" We are." Penny assured, making her way towards him.

" Don't touch me!" Dave warned backing away, " I thought we were in it for the long run Lo..."

" Always." Penny replied, tears coming to her eyes.

" I would of tried Lo, I would of supported you. But I can't if you don't tell me!" He shouted, the anger returning.

" I didn't mean to keep it from you." She informed, the tears now rolling down her cheeks.

" We see each other near enough every day, you didn't mean to not tell me! How long of you known?" He pressed.

" I went to the interview about three weeks ago." Penelope admitted.

" Three weeks... Three bloody weeks... How long have you had this?" Dave questioned, gesturing to the now creased letter in his hands.

" Since Monday." She sighed,

" Why do you have to make this so difficult?" He blurted.

" What?" She questioned,

" You could of just been honest Lo, I could of he- I would of helped." He drawled,

" You would of been hurt, miserable." She reminded.

" I would of gotten over it." Dave huffed,

" What do you mean would of?" She pressed, catching on.

" I can't do this anymore-" He began,

" Dave no-"

" We're over."




" Where have you been?" A new voice spoke as the teen slammed the door shut,

" Do me a favour and fuck off will ya?" Dave hissed as started to run up the staircase, which was soon stopped with Ray grabbing hold of his arm, " Get off!"

" Have you been crying?" Ray asked, slightly concerned.

" No!" Dave shouted,

" Have you?" The eldest pressed.

" What do you care?" The youngest spat, trying to wriggle free from his brothers grip.

" What's happened?" He asked, concerned at his brothers appearance,

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