Silly Love Songs

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"I'm telling ya' Dave, it could be big! What do ya' think Charlie? " The passionate voice gushed as he scribbled down lyrics into a notebook.

" I'm trying to focus ya' pillock." The guitarist muttered as he played around on his Gibson.

" And I'm trying to earn us a living." He drawled, " Ey Charlie what's got you down?"

" Nothing." Mick replied, not sure how to explain the event which had occurred the day before,

" What do you mean nothing?" Ray inquired.

" I met a girl yesterday-" He began,

" Did you scare her off?" Dave teased, still playing around with the riff.

" Piss off." Mick uttered,

" Any good?" The eldest asked.

" Just met her that's all." Mick responded,

" Where?" Ray quizzed.

" Down by your way, just off Colney Hatch Lane." The drummer informed whilst twirling a drumstick.

" Was she at least pleasant looking?" Dave interrupted,

" Course she was!" Mick defended.

" Well if she liked you then ya' never know." The bright-eyed guitarist furthered,

" What did she look like?" Ray drawled.

" She was lovely. Dark brown eyes and hair which was quite long-the hair that is, makeup and a nice denim skirt and white shirt." The drummer gushed,

" Sounds shit, did she have a nice chest at least?" Dave asked.

" Well- I uh- I didn't look." Mick faked,

" So she did?" Ray laughed.

" Well um, yeah." Mick blushed,

" Was she local?" The eldest asked,

" She said she's lived here all her life but in err- Intervals. Sounds kind of posh though." Mick explained.

" Did she say what her name was?" Ray questioned, Penny immediately coming into his head, she'd grown her hair out, she was dark featured, she'd lived in Muswell Hill in intervals and well she wasn't exactly common.

" Pe-" Mick began.

" Look are you getting on with this or what?" A new voice called from the sound booth before they sighed and got up.




" Morning Dad." Penny greeted as her father entered the kitchen where breakfast was waiting for him.

" Morning Penny darling." Albert bade his daughter as he sat down.

" If it's alright I was going to get straight to work Dad, I've got a few things to sort and calls to make." The brunette explained,

" Of course sweetheart." Albert smiled.

" I'll see you in a bit yes?" She suggested before her father nodded.

" Good Morning, Ashfelts & Corby's; how can I help?" A new voice greeted into the receiver

" Hello, could be passed though to Rodrick Drawn please?" Penny asked,

" Could I ask your name please?" The receptionist questioned.

" Penelope, Penelope Rosanna Murphy." She informed,

" Okay, passing you through now." The voice accepted.

" Hello, Rodrick Drawn speaking."

" Hey Rod, it's Penelope."

Rod: Oh hello Nellie! What do I owe the pleasure?

Penny: I was just phoning on the behalf of Mr. Lloyd, when we last spoke he was trying to arrange an interview with D.I Bell but had no luck.

Rod: Okay, did he mention when he would be free- weren't you at your fathers Nellie?

Penny: Well yes but I can work- He was hoping as soon as possible, something has come alight with the McCrodden case and he was wanting to speak to D.I Bell.

Rod: What's that about then?

Penny: He made it specifically clear that he would only tell D.I Bell.

Rod: Did you tell him you were working on the case as well?

Penny: Yes, he wanted D.I Bell and him only.

Rod: He wanted him? He wanted D.I Bell-end? Tell Mr. Lloyd that you will be the one he'll talk to from know on. Also take. A. Break. I gave you one so that you could give the little grey cells a rejuvenation period. Why do you think I take so many holidays a year?

Penny: Do you want it as a friend or as 'You're my boss'?

Rod: Both.

Penny: You're my boss, you're so smart and have so much going on that you need frequent breaks.

Rod: Thank you! As a friend?

Penny: You take them so frequently to get breaks from your money draining wife and children as money is all you really care about.

Rod: That's not tru- Actually fair enough...

Penny: So I better get back to thi-

Rod: You're taking a break! Don't you dare even touch that typewriter!

Penny: Whatever.

Rod: Seriously Nellie, take a break; enjoy being home whilst you can.

Penny: I'll do my best.

Rod: Atta girl! Speak soon yes?

Penny: Bye, Rod.




" Penny! Someone's at the door for you!" Albert called from the hallway,

Penny furrowed her eyebrows as she stood from the desk, she wasn't expecting anyone. The brunette walked towards the door apprehensively, they sudden thought rushed to her head, "Could it be him?" before she shook it off, not allowing herself the thought.

" Mick?" Penny asked, confused at the friendly face she met the day before.

" Hi Penelope." He greeted,

" How did you- How did you know where I live?" She questioned, puzzled.

" I saw your name in the directory, it had the address." Mick informed,

" So you're not a stalker?" She joked.

" Unless you're into that, then no." He laughed sarcastically.

" Not particularly, so what is prince charming doing at my door?" Penny flirted.

" I'm no prince charming love." He snorted,

" That's good then, because I don't need rescuing by some bloke on a pony." She smiled smugly.

" Bloke on a pony? Rescuing? That's definitely not me." He furthered, copying her smug smile.

" What you are doing here then?" Penny asked, interested.

" I was wondering if you'd like to come for a drink, get to know me and all that." Mick suggested as he shrugged his shoulders,

" I have work..." She dawdled.

" Oh I-"

" But a drink with alluring new-found friend does sound tempting... I'll grab my coat. " The brunette grinned.

" Okay."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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