Goodbye, blue sky

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Penny: Hello?
Annetta : Hey Penny, it's Nettie.

Penny: Annetta? Hi!
Annetta: Hi love, look I was wondering if you'd want to go out somewhere? It's been a while.

Penny: Yeah sure

Annetta : Great, what about we go to the recks meet you there at sixish? 

Penny: I'd love to
Annetta: Alright, see ya.




"It will be alright Penny you've got David and he's got you." Albert reassured the small four and a half year old,

"I don't want to go Daddy!" She sobbed into his jumper, 

"Hello Penny sweetie!" Greeted Emily as she walked towards the girl which proved difficult as she had a small Dave clinging onto her leg,

" I don't want to go Auntie Emmie!" She cried,

" I know sweetheart I know." She cooed as she came down to the little girls height. 

" I want Maman!" She cried in quietly as Emily looked up at Albert who had tears in his eyes, the wound still raw. 

" Maman's right here you know, she's everywhere you go..." She smiled before,

" Really?" Penny asked looking up to her,

"Of course she is, now you go in with David; he'll take care of you and once you've finished we'll get some cake yeah?" 

" Okay." The little brunette nodded brightening up before she went to Dave and grabbed his hand,

"Come on then." He spoke as he lead her through the gates. 

" Hello." Greeted a small blonde girl,

"Hi," Penny smiled meekly as she coloured,

"Do you want to come and play?" The small smiling blonde asked. 

"Not really." Penny replied truthfully,

"Oh... Well what about if we go and sit outside?" The blue-eyed girl suggested.

" It's cold. Besides I can't remember where that horrible lady put my coat." The brunette informed,

"It's okay! I know where she put them! I hate her too!" She giggled,

"She reminds me of my cousins dog!" Penny cringed.

"Oh? What breed was it?" She inquired,

"It was a bulldog!" She laughed before they both fell into a fit of giggles. 

" EWWW! Come on then!" She encouraged as she pointed at the door. 

"I told you it would be fun!" She shouted as they ran through the mud,

"It's fun! But how much further?" She asked, starting to get tired. 

" It's over there!" She cried as she pointed over at a collapsed bomber plane which was surrounded by old tires and panels. 

"Wow!" Penny gasped as they reached the wreckage,

"It's cool isn't it?" She asked rhetorically,

"Is this from the war?" Penny asked. 

"That's what I think!" She gleamed, before she started climbing,

"What's your name?" The blond asked,

"Penelope Rosanna Murphy, what's yours?" She replied,

"Annetta Watts, do they call you Penny?" She asked,

"Well some" Penny shrugged,

"Do you want to be my best friend Penny?" 




The late summer early-evening sprang onto the brunette as fast as it had that very first time, walking across the same muddy field which had once been two girls' sanctuary. Wrapped up from the overwhelming effect of the summer turning slowly to autumn; the mud sloshed under her boots as she saw a figure in the distance. The figure sitting on the wing of the old wreckage of the bomber plane whilst taking a meaningful drag of a cigarette; unlike Penny she wasn't protected from the crisp breeze only wearing a dress and a cardigan. 

"Hi," The figure greeted before turning back to her cigarette,

"Hello." Penny replied as she stood awkwardly. 

" Come on then." Annetta chuckled as she pointed beside her, 

" 'S weird innit?" The blond questioned as she blew out the smoke,

" Weird?" Penny asked as she sat next to the cockney girl beside her.

" The school's gone, it's becoming another mundane thing; well this place anyway and we're grown up. We're not the same kids we once were, I stayed the same Penny; but you, you... You changed." She explained,

" I haven't changed-" The brunette disagreed,

" You have, We have..." The blond clarified. 

" Don't" Penny warned,

" Want a ciggie?" Annetta offered taking them out of her back pocket. 

" I don't smoke actually." Penny informed as she shook her head,

The blond let a small meaningful snort, " You would of done." 

"Sorry?" Penny inquired. 

" If you hadn't become all posh-" 

" Stop it!" Penny exclaimed warningly before standing,

" Well it's true." The blond murmured. 

" You know damn well it's not that." Penny stated, 

" Yeah right." She sneered. 

" I wouldn't smoke because Dad wouldn't of let me." She defended knowing this wasn't just about the current topic,

" Oh fuck off, you always loved getting a rise of out of your dad. We both did." 

" At least I learnt that I didn't need to get a reaction to be noticed, it says something doesn't it?" She asked rhetorically. 

" Alright! I see right through you Penelope Rosanna Murphy! I remember the little scared, paranoid girl that always needed constant care. I still see her, she's masked behind a façade which they taught you. Who was there for you during those breakdowns? Me. Who loved you unconditionally through all of your shit? Me. Who was your best friend? Me. Don't you see Penny? You're still just as weird, anxious, defiant and angry as you were before." The blond screeched,

" What are you? What do you have? What's your future Annetta? Because I don't exactly see a degree, job. But I didn't care because you were my best friend, I saw a kind, caring girl who loved anyone and everyone. Look at you now, you cling to any piece of attention like it's your very last, you're scared, you're insecure." The Brunette freaked,

" Go." 

" Nettie..." 

" What did you want from this Penny? The same, simple friendship? Cause I just wanted closure." The Blond asked knowing she also wanted closure,


"I knew it. Just go."

"Don't" The brunette shook her head tears brimming her eyes. 

"Just GO!" Annetta shouted. 

The blond and brunette had lost something, a piece of them. A piece of there youth, there friendship left where it had first began. A wreck, a battered old site; which had once been full of love. 




" This is our place now, right Penny?

"Course Nettie"

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