It's the fantastic Drowse of afternoon Sundays

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For Penelope Rosanna Murphy it was a normal drowsy Sunday at Queen Alexandra's Boarding School. This meant lying on her bed reading whatever book she hadn't read that had been sitting on her shelf; this weeks pick was Pride and Prejudice, it was a good book so far and had a strong Female lead; Elizabeth Bennett. This was usually matched with a good record playing in the background; Frank Sinatra's voice made the room feel more full and lively.

"You finally decided to give that a read?" A voice questioned as they entered the dormitory.

"Didn't think I would, 's good though; I'm glad Theo sent it over to me." Penelope replied as she turned the page.

"Does it pass?" The voice questioned further.

"The Bechdel Test? Course it does." she spoke like it was obvious.

"Well isn't it about that Mr. Darcy and that girl that fall in love?" The voice inquired as they moved over to the small window and cracked it open and pulled a cigarette out and lit it.

"Mulberry would kill you, y'know that?" Penelope warned whilst chuckling.

"Does it look like I care, all she'd do is go ' Margret Williams I'm sooo disappointed in youuu!' " Margret exaggerated in her best Scottish accent before taking another drag of her cigarette whilst Penelope erupted in laughter before sitting up.

" What have I missed?" Questioned a new voice as they entered the dormitory. Penelope just laughed in response.

"Miss Priss being the goody goody she is; warned me about having a ciggie and a epic impression of Mulberry. " Margret informed as she looked out the window gazing over the school's land.

The voice tutted before going over to Penelope who was still in a fit of giggles, " Penny are you still with us?", all the voice got in reply was more laughing "Now look what you've done! You've killed the smart one!" The voice accused in a sarcastic manner.

" I'm fine Gail, I'm fine" Penelope spoke as she calmed herself down. Gail rolled her eyes before shaking her head and moving over to her corner of the dorm, unzipping her jacket.

"What have we got tomorrow?" Margret asked as she put the end of her cigarette in her little glass that had been converted into an ashtray.

"I've got my last team photo with the Netball Ladies tomorrow and I've got art, Maths, English Lit and Music tomorrow; you have Art, Maths, English Lit and Geography; Gail's got Triple Science, Maths, English Lit and Music." Penelope informed as she looked over at both girls, Margret leaning against the radiator and Gail putting her jumper away before sitting next to Penelope on her bed.

"Feels mad doesn't it?" Gail questioned deep in thought.

"It really does..." Margret muttered whilst sighing.

"It's home. I mean we've spent five years away from the place we're supposed to call 'home', so why should we feel obliged to call it home. Some of the teachers have been better parental figures to us than our own parents have! It's absurd that were expected to feel like it's a serendipitous occasion to go home. Our teachers have seen as grow up from 11 to 16, they've been our life mentors, nurses, Parental figures, teachers, friends, foes and most importantly our biggest supporters. So how do our parents expect that we aren't going to feel some type of sadness to return to 'home'. I've made it bloody well clear to Dad that this is home to me." Penelope lectured.

"Home..." Gail and Margret whispered at the same time.

"Home." Penelope clarified.

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