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Penelope's world couldn't of been going better; college was an absolute success (even though the amount of coursework was never-ending), her two brothers were both at University so she basically had the house to herself due to her father working away, Dorothy and Dalton had been good as gold recently (Dalton enjoying frequent walks with her and Dave) and she and Dave were two near-adults still in the madly in love stage. 

The late February morning was unusually sunny for the late winter, it might of been cliché but she felt like she was in some cringe Disney movie; the birds sung and flitted around the garden as she watched from her bedroom window . 

" Dalty how do you fancy a walk?" Penny asked the dog who lay on her bed before his ears pricked up, " Come on then, you know what to do!" 

The golden retriever rushed down the stairs moving towards the front door where he knew to stay, Penny gathered her scarf and hat before dialling a number into her phone, 


Penny: You alright dimlo? 

Dave: Nice to speak to you as well Lo. 

Penny: Look I was going to take Dalty out for a walk you coming with? 

Dave: Sure, we could take the car if you want? 

Penny: You got your license last week, I wouldn't suppose this is just to impress me? 

Dave:  Of course not...

Penny: Alright then show off, see you in a few. Remember even though it's sunny it's still cold as! 

Dave: I'm not a baby Lo!

Penny: You'll regret it!  

Dave: Alright, I'll see you in a bit.

Penny: Bye-

Dave Are you forgetting something? 

Penny: Don't think so? 

Dave: I love you Lo. 

Penny: I love you too dippy, see you in a sec. 

Penny retreated downstairs looking at the golden retriever who looked at her with a pleading look, 

" Come on then." She chuckled as she put her coat on before reaching for his lead. 

The February mist always was usually colder than what it had been back the year before but today was an exception,  the sun felt warm on her face as she walked, Coppetts Road had never felt so long before, in reality it was shorter than the general area in which lived. As much as it had been quite unusual to be back in Muswell Hill it was nice as well, her posher accent had been tainted with the familiar drawl of the locals, one which had once been extremely strong. 

Creighton Avenue had been usually quiet over the last month, it had probably due to a lot of the people she had grew up with moving away to University and a change of scenery. Few children played out anymore though there were a few today, two young boys and 3 young girls, the two boys and one of the girls played a game of footie whilst the other two chatted away. It reminded her of growing up on the streets of the entwining roads or formally known as Fortis Green. A figure started to walk in her direction but stopped to acknowledge the children for a second before receding away from them. 

" Hello lovie." He greeted with a smile on his face before he greeted an excited Dalton,

" You took my advice to wrap up." Penny noticed, raising her eyebrows impressed. 

" Course." He chuckled as he played around with the dog, " Car?" 

" Sure, where do you want to go?" She asked,

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