Sick Days

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Requested by Sandrastar1 and Blueninja553!

Summary: The turtles get sick! Luckily, Splinter is there to care for them and nurse them back to health! 


The turtles laid in one bed. All four of them were sick. It wasn't uncommon for them to get sick, it was mainly caused by their living conditions.

Leo had a bad cough and a sore throat, Raph was sneezing nonstop, Donnie had a bad headache, and Mikey had a tummy ache. All the turtles had fevers as well.

But luckily, Splinter was taking care of them. He walked into the room with soup, medicine, blankets, pillows, stuffed animals and other things.

The turtles looked up at him weakly. "Daddy..." They got really quiet, teary-eyed and clingy wren they were sick. Especially Donnie and Mikey.

Splinter was at their side immediately. "Shh, I am here now..." He hated seeing them so sick and weak, but it wasn't uncommon. They just got sick a lot.

Splinter thought it had something to do with the mutation, that maybe it made their immune systems weaker and made them more susceptible to illness.

The turtles clung to their daddy, sniffling as they coughed. Splinter hugged them close, feeling their foreheads. They still had fevers.

Splinter took their temperatures and found it high still. He gave them some medicine to lower their fever and gave them plenty to drink so they wouldn't get dehydrated.

The turtles took their medicine begrudgingly. They hated taking it. But they knew it would make them better, so they did it anyway.

Splinter sat by them, stroking their feverish heads. He knew today would be a quiet, calm day. The turtles leaned against him. They were all whimpering.

Leo coughed and whimpered as he held his throat. Raph whined a little as he rubbed his miss for the hundredth time. Donnie started to cry because his head hurt and Mikey started crying too. His tummy hurt.

"D-Daddy...!" The turtles all started crying. They were hurting, got, tired, dizzy, weak and they just didn't feel good. They were sick little things.

Splinter frowned and immediately hugged them, rocking them gently as he tried to soothe them. "Shh my cubs, I am here, you will be alright, shh..."

The turtles kept crying and whimpering, feeling absolutely miserable. Donnie and Mikey clung to Splinter, burying their faces into his kimono. "Shh, calm down aka-chans..." Splinter held them.

He hummed softly to them, singing a lullaby. Trying anything to quiet them. Sometimes singing just helped. The turtles slowly started to calm down.

"Hush my darlings, you are found...I will keep you safe and sound...~"

The turtles clung to Splinter still, but they weren't crying as much anymore. Mikey had Donnie were still whimpering though. Splinter gave them more medicine.

"Daddy...?" Mikey mumbled weakly. "Yes my cub...?" Splinter whispered. "I don't feel good..." Mikey whimpered. "I know my little one, I know..." Splinter rocked him lightly.

Donnie whimpered too so Splinter rocked Donnie too, rocking them close to his chest. He could feel heat practically radiating off of them.

Leo and Raph joined in, whimpering a little bit but not as much as the youngest. Leo started coughing so Splinter patted his shell lightly and gave him more water.

Raph started sneezing a lot again, so he grabbed a bunch of tissues and sniffled. All the turtles had ice packs on their heads and blankets around them.

Splinter fed each of them soup and helped them get comfortable before holding them close, making a soft vibrating noise to comfort them.

The turtles clung to him, weakly churring. They still felt sick, but at least they had Splinter there to take care of them!

"My cubs..."

A/N: Hey cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy the sweet chapter! Aww, the poor turtles! I just wanna hug them!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Hey cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy the sweet chapter! Aww, the poor turtles! I just wanna hug them!

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